SILENCE by On Kawara

日本人コンセプチュアル・アーティスト、河原温(On Kawara)の作品集。言語、写真、情報のシステムをテーマに作品を作った河原温は、コンセプチュアル・アートの歴史における重要人物とされている。しかし、存在とは何かを探求する絵画を作り続けたことによって、河原は他とは一線を画していた。


Today」シリーズの日付絵画、「One Hundred Years and One Million Years」のカレンダー、「I Got Up」のポストカード、「I Am Still Alive」の電報、「I Read」の新しい新聞の切り抜き、「I Went」の地図、「I Met」のリストなど、1960年代半ばにスタートした様々なシリーズを代表するイメージを多数見ることができる。1970年に3か月間毎日描いた「97 Date Paintings」とその日の新聞を貼った外箱のイメージも含まれている。さらに、河原の代表作に先駆けてパリとニューヨークで制作された絵画やドローイング、河原の制作プロセスに関わる素材の貴重なイメージも収録。色違いで4種類の表紙がある。ジェフリー・ワイス、ダニエル・ビュラン、ホイットニー・デイビス、マリア・ゴフ、ベン・ハイモア、トム・マッカーシー、スーザン・スチュワート、アン・ホイーラーらのテキストを収録。



Because of his recourse to language, photography, and systems of information, On Kawara is often described as a key figure in the history of Conceptual art. Yet his work stands apart in its devotion to painting and its existential reach. On Kawara—Silence is published in conjunction with a major exhibition of Kawara’s post-1963 work at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Like the exhibition itself, the structure of the book was devised in close collaboration with the late artist. The exhibition catalogue contains essays on Kawara’s work by leading scholars and critics in various fields, including art history, literary studies, and cultural anthropology. It also includes substantial, authoritative descriptions of every category of his production—the first time such comprehensive information has appeared in print. Richly illustrated, On Kawara—Silence reproduces many examples of the Date Paintings (Today), calendars (One Hundred Years Calendars and One Million Years), postcards (I Got Up), telegrams (I Am Still Alive), news cuttings (I Read), maps (I Went), and lists (I Met) that comprised the artist’s practice beginning in the mid-1960s. Among other groups of works, the book includes images of the 97 Date Paintings (accompanied by their newspaper-lined storage boxes) that Kawara produced during a three-month run of daily painting in 1970. The catalogue also contains reproductions of paintings and drawings produced in Paris and New York in the years that precede the works for which Kawara is best known, as well as rare images of materials related to his working process. The volume is published in four differently colored covers.

by On Kawara

REGULAR PRICE ¥13,200  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780892075195

264 pages
324 x 248 mm
color, black and white


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