1966 by On Kawara

日本人コンセプチュアル・アーティスト、河原温(On Kawara)の作品集。現代で活躍した最も重要かつ革新的なアーティストの1人である作者が主題としたのは、時間と場所である。その作品は、気が遠くなるほどの膨大な時間の記録であると同時に、厳密に限定された時間を捉えている。1966年以降の作品にフォーカスした本書タイトル「1966」は、日付を描き続けた有名なシリーズ「Today」を始めた年である。作者は100以上の都市で描いた日付絵画を2,000枚以上も残している。絵の管理に使っていたフォルダーには、その絵に使った絵の具のサンプルとその日の新聞の見出し、その絵のフォーマットについてのメモが一緒に保存されていた。作者の死の直前に行われた生前最後の展覧会に伴い刊行された本書は、作品は当然のこと、1966年という年の非常に個人的な記録でもある。

On Kawara (1932–2014) is considered to be one of the most important and most radical modern artists of our time. His oeuvre is consumed with time and place, concepts that he used to try and map out the meaning of human existence. On Kawara: 1966 focuses on Kawara’s creations from 1966, which was a key year within his oeuvre – as it was the birth of his world-famous date paintings: small paintings in which he inscribed the exact date on which he created the painting in white letters and numbers on a monochromatic background. If a painting wasn’t complete by midnight, it was destroyed. Since the start of the TODAY series, as the entire collection is called, in 1966, he created more than 2,000 date paintings in more than 100 different cities. The artist used a folder to accurately record the days on which he created a painting and what the format was. He also kept a smear of the paint he used and the newspaper headlines for that day in this folder. This folder, in which he documented his 1966 creations, is fully portrayed in On Kawara: 1966. In 2015, Kawara’s date paintings from 1966 were displayed in the Dhondt-Dhaenens Museum in Deurle. This was the last project that the artist collaborated on, together with the museum curator and the editor of this book, Tommy Simoens, before his death in 2014.

by On Kawara

REGULAR PRICE ¥12,100  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9789491819292

176 pages
235 x 260 mm
color, black and white

published by LUDION

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