CHICAGO by Mark Steinmetz
アメリカ人フォトグラファー、マーク・シュタインメッツ(Mark Steinmetz)の作品集。2025年2月から4月にかけて、シカゴの写真専門ギャラリー「ステファン・デイター・ギャラリー(Stephen Daiter Gallery)」で開催される展覧会に伴い刊行された。
本書の冒頭には、1991年から2011年まで「ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)」写真部門のチーフ・キュレーターを務めたピーター・ガラシ(Peter Galassi)によるエッセイを収録。マット紙にデュオトーンで美しく印刷され、茶色のリネン布で装丁され仕上げられている。
This extraordinary group of photographs, made between 1988 and 1991, provides a compelling portrait both of the city itself and of the time in which they were made.
Steinmetz’s relationship with Chicago is an important and evolving aspect of his artistic journey. While he is primarily associated with the South, Chicago has long been a city that has inspired his creative exploration. Chicago’s distinct neighborhoods, architecture, and energy offered Steinmetz a rich source of material, allowing him to capture the city’s quiet moments and intimate portraits of its residents. Chicago showcases a unique perspective of the city and and is an important chapter in Steinmetz’s ongoing dialogue with the broader American landscape.
Chicago opens with an essay by Peter Galassi, Chief Curator of Photography at the MoMA, New York, from 1991 to 2011. Beautifully printed in duotone on a special matte art paper, and bound two-tone brown linen over boards, this first printing is limited to 1,500 copies and was published to coincide with an exhibition of the same name at Stephen Daiter Gallery in Chicago.