ON THE OTHER SIDE by Richard Deacon

イギリス人彫刻家、リチャード・ディーコン(Richard Deacon)の作品集。本書は2016年から過去10年間分の作者の彫刻作品を紹介する。木工や陶芸の工房、鉄骨建設会社と協働し、有機的なフォルムの作品を制作する。

On The Other Side presents a selection of sculptural work from the past decade by Welsh artist Richard Deacon (born 1949). During fabrication, Deacon collaborates with woodworking and ceramic workshops, as well as with steel construction companies, to create his organic forms.

by Richard Deacon

REGULAR PRICE ¥13,200  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783941263703

136 pages
226 x 285 mm
color, black and white