2THESKY MY ENDER by Nobuyoshi Araki
日本人写真家、荒木経惟の作品集。2009年にタカ・イシイギャラリーで開催された展覧会「2THESKY MY ENDER(遺作 空2)」に伴い刊行された。
“なんで『空2』かって。「に」や「ニ」じゃダメなんだ。「2」じゃないと。昔から言ってるけど、写真というのは現実や人生の模倣、現実の贋作であって、創作じゃないんだよ。だから2番目のコトなんだよね。全部、0(霊)感でやってるんだけどさ。空に何かを描いて「もうひとつの私の空」を創るっていう気分もあった … 死のことを思うと生のことも思うようになるね。どっちかが重くなると、もう片方も重くなる。死の予感が来ると生の欲望が出てくるんだよ、生欲が。この本は俺の「遺作」だけど、もしかしたら、ここで終わりじゃなくて、ここから生が始まるのかもしれない。虹の橋を渡る俺 あ、落ちた コロコロコロ”
-2009年10月 荒木 経惟
Official Press Release:
We are pleased to announce our forthcoming solo exhibition with Nobuyoshi Araki. The exhibition will be held in the occasion of the release of the Shinchosa publication 2THESKY, my Ender.
Why “2THESKY” ? “To” or [the Japanese character] “ニ” are not correct. It must be “2”. As I have said before – photographs are an imitation of reality and life, the counterfeit of reality, not creation. Therefore, a photograph is a secondary thing. I do everything with a spiritual feeling. I wrote something into the sky, because I had the feeling that I would like to create “another sky that is mine”. This makes me think about death and life. If one becomes heavier, the other one becomes heavier too. With the premonition of death comes the desire for life, the lust to live. This book is my “posthumous work”, but maybe it is not finished yet, maybe from now on life is going to begin. I am crossing the rainbow bridge, ah! I am falling…..
-Nobuyoshi Araki, October 2009
Since January 2, 2009, Araki has depicted in a kind of diaristic mode his response to everyday events and thoughts of death, using as a canvas black and white photographs coupled with the technique of calligraphy, painting and collage. Araki produced an enormous number of works for this publication and produced even further works for the solo exhibition. He completed about 150 new works that are not included in the book. In addition to the publication, which will be installed prominently as part of the installation, the screening of Arakinema is also planned during the exhibition. Nobuyoshi Araki describes this new body of work as “the testament of a photographer who presentiments death”.