ニューヨークを拠点に活動するフランス人編集者、作家、スタイリストのクリストファー・ニケ(Christopher Niquet)によるファッション&カルチャー誌。毎号一人のアーティスト、写真家、タレント、作家の意見や作品に焦点を当て紹介する。クリストファー・ニケは、これまでにカール・ラガーフェルド(Karl Lagerfeld)やクリスチャン・ラクロワ(Christian Lacroix)、アンナ・モリナーリ(Anna Molinari)をはじめとしたデザイナーの舞台裏で働き、『ヴァニティ・フェア(Vanity Fair)』誌の寄稿ライター、『エル・フランス(ELLE France)』誌のエディター、『セルフ・サービス(Self Service)』誌のスタイリストを務めた経験を持つ。

第5号は、ファッションエディターのカミーユ・ビドー=ワディントン(Camille Bidault-Waddington)ゲストに迎え、特集する。スタイリストの仕事とは、社会における文化的な変化を衣服に反映させること、そしてファッション誌のページを用いて服装の進化を記録し、自分たちの生きる時代を批評することである。


本号ではその作品を再考し、何千枚ものファッション写真を100枚以下にまで絞り込み、1つのファッションストーリーでありながら同時に独立した個人の芸術的な活動の記録でもあるポートフォリオを作り上げた。これらの写真に着想を得て作家のナターシャ・スタッグ(Natasha Stagg)と、アーティストであり詩人、環境アクティビストのウィルソン・オリエマ(Wilson Oryema)が書いたテキストは、一枚のフレームの中に一つの世界を創り出すファッション写真の力を証明している。

あわせて、フォトグラファーのアンジェロ・ペンネッタ(Angelo Pennetta)が撮影を担当し、カミーユがファッションモデルのキキ・ウィレムス(Kiki Willems)をスタイリングした別冊も差し込まれている。

The impulse for STUDY grew out of editor in chief and founder Christopher Niquet’s experiences as a contributor to various publications (both as a fashion editor and a writer) where the emphasis was either on the text or the images and of his desire to find a place where words and images would be equally valued and given the same level of care, space and creativity. The first issue of STUDY was published in July 2022 and was dedicated to the photographic practice of Swiss model Vivienne Rohner. Since then we explored the world of renowned playwright Adrienne Kennedy in Volume 2, post colonial architecture in Dakar in Volume 3 and the archives of photographer Gösta Peterson in Volume 4. Published in English, the content of STUDY exists strictly on paper and its periodicity is of 4 issues a year. Each volume will be focused on one signature, whether it be an artist, photographer, personality or writer. The entirety of each volume will be dedicated to their world and their vision over about 140 pages. Each volume of STUDY is designed by the agency Petronio Associates with the will to become a collectible item for fashion and art lovers alike. STUDY is available physically in a few selected bookstores in major cities (Paris, London, Milan, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Seoul and Tokyo) through our partnerships with our distributors as well as on our website. Our goal is to cater to a community of like minded curious readers wether they come form the world of art, fashion or graphic design.

Editor in Chief Christopher Niquet has been intrigued by the influence of fashion editors in our culture saturated with representations of fashion. His desire was to create a portfolio focusing on the work of stylist Camille Bidault-Waddington, a figure revered in the industry for her personal style as well as her instinctive approach to styling and clothing manipulations. Camille Bidault-Waddington has worked during her two decade career with some of the leading fashion photographers of our time from David Sims, Glen Luchford or Inez and Vinoodh as well as Harley Weir, Sam Rock and Jamie Hawksworth. She has consistently pushed the boundaries of what the fashion of the times is and what a fashion image mean. The goal was to express through a lengthily 90 pages plus portfolio of archive images how personal stylistic obsessions grow and end up influencing the readers as well as the fashion makers. But also to present images that push the boundaries of what makes a fashion photograph. Camille Bidault-Waddington also styled a story in this issue with frequent collaborators photographer Angelo Pennetta and model Kiki Willems. American author Natasha Stagg, whose new book is being released this month by Semiotext, contributed an original short story titled “Cousins” inspired by the work of Camille and British poet and activist Wilson Oryema wrote a piece about the consumption of garment.

by Camille Bidault-Waddington , Christopher Niquet

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,150  (tax incl.)

126 pages
210 x 297 mm
color, black and white

published by STUDY