アメリカ人アーティスト、エド・ルシェー(Ed Ruscha)の作品集。作者が特別に制作した書籍のカバーアートワークと共に、インスタレーション、映像、絵の具でペイントされたブックカバー、輪郭ゲージを使用したポートレイトなど、主要な作品と並行して制作してきた数百ものプロジェクトとエフェメラを収録する。


「プロジェクトとエフェメラ(Projects and Ephemera)」「輪郭ゲージプロファイル(Contour Gauge Profiles / ※註)」「ペインテッド・ブックカバー(Painted Book Covers)」という3つのセクションで構成される本書は、作者のファンや研究者に、まだ見知られていなかった活動の一端の紹介に加え、これらのプロジェクトが最も著名な作品群とどう重なり、時にはその前段階であったか、その背景を紐解く。


※註 輪郭ゲージ(コンターゲージ)はプロファイルゲージとも呼ばれる。

With cover artwork specially created by Ruscha, this book documents hundreds of projects and miscellaneous ephemera produced by the artist alongside his main oeuvre—including installations, films, painted book covers, contour gauge profiles, and more

Introducing readers to the stunning breadth of Edward Ruscha’s (b. 1937) creative output over the course of his entire life, this book includes materials dating back to his childhood and extending to his present-day output. The projects featured here fall outside Ruscha’s production of paintings, drawings, prints, and artists’ books. Many of these are unknown and most are reproduced here for the first time. Composed of three sections—Projects and Ephemera; Contour Gauge Profiles; and Painted Book Covers—the book offers Ruscha enthusiasts and scholars a hitherto unknown aspect of Ruscha’s practice, while also showing how these projects coincide with, and sometimes even prefigure, the artistic work for which he is best known. The approximately 270 painted book covers, begun in 1990, utilize found books as support for small paintings and drawings. The 57 contour gauge profiles are silhouette-like profiles made using a mechanical device for reproducing contours. The largest section, Projects and Ephemera, consists of installations, sculpture and objects, films, book and poster design, utilitarian works, and more.

by Ed Ruscha

REGULAR PRICE ¥24,750  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780300265873

320 pages
240 x 290 mm
color, black and white

published by GAGOSIAN

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