MONOGRAM 3: MONUMENT by Camille Vivier

ベルギー発の月刊誌『MONOGRAM』の第3号。写真出版の新しいアイデアのプラットフォームとして、2022年に出版社「ART PAPER EDITIONS」を主宰するベルギー人デザイナー、ユルゲン・マエルフェイ(Jurgen Maelfeyt)と「MONOGRAM BOOKS」のアシュリー・ヘルヴィー(Ashley Helvey)によって立ち上げられた。

本号『MONUMENT』では、フランス人フォトグラファーのカミーユ・ヴィヴィエ(Camille Vivier)が、以前から蒐集していた「魔法のキャンドル」を被写体としている。これらのキャンドルは、元々ブラジルの魔術・呪術色濃いマクンバ、世界最古の宗教のひとつであるキューバのサンテリア、またはハイチなどを中心に広がるブードゥー教など民間信仰の儀式で使われているものである。




The main characters of ‘Monument’ are magical candles that photographer Camille Vivier has been collecting for quite some time. These candles are originally used in macumba and santería religions, as well as voodoo rituals.

Through her candles Vivier gives a new perspective to still life as a classical theme and while she lits them, she questions vanity, memory and the passage of time. Vivier isolates her anthropometric characters from their original intention, and in doing so she grants them autonomy, while enhancing their magical power.

She characterises her images by the delicate use of light and shadow, with the candles themselves serving as the primary source of light. The candles are shown in various stages of burning, with wax dripping down the sides and flames flickering, and so movement is created in each image.

The potential though fragile power that the candles hold, of fulfilling a wish once they’re burned, is captured. As a viewer you don’t see the ritual being fulfilled, but maybe the act of your gaze is enough, an act that ends with one photograph.

by Camille Vivier , MONOGRAM

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,950  (tax incl.)

40 pages
200 x 260 mm
limited edition of 500 copies