FIELD TRIP by Martin Kollar

スロバキア人フォトグラファー、マーティン・コラー(Martin Kollar)の作品集。2009年11月から2011年1月の間に滞在したイスラエルでの記録をまとめたもの。作者の幼少期の思い出と、イスラエル国内に蔓延するネガティブな感情やその土地のもつ美しさなどが複雑に絡み合ったフォト・ダイアリー。パレスチナ自治区が直面している複雑さを12名の世界的写真家達の目を通して検証するプロジェクト「This Place」への参加から制作された作品を元に発行。ライカの発明者であるオスカー・バルナック氏の生誕を記念した世界規模のコンテスト「LEICA OSKAR BARNACK AWARD 2014」で同作品シリーズがグランプリを受賞。

Between November 2009 and January 2011, Slovakian photographer Martin Kollar spent extended periods of time working and living in Israel, building a photographic dossier on one of the most contentious geographical zones of modern history. Kollar’s past, a childhood spent behind the Iron Curtain, echoed unexpectedly during his time in Israel. The delineated territories of today’s Israel mirror the partition walls of Communist Czechoslovakia during ‘normalisation’. Random police searches and detentions piqued Kollar’s sense of constantly being under surveillance and the subject of suspicion. Field Trip establishes an opaque representation of the life and landscape of Israel. Military presence looms heavily and the images are punctuated with anxiety. Butchered animals combine with uncertain portraits of Israeli residents and leave the viewer unclear where the military landscape ends and the civilian land begins. The work in Field Trip is just that – the result of a trip, an investigative and inquisitive one, tinged with paranoia, the result being a beautiful, stark, often humorous and complex photographic diary of a well-trodden land. This traumatic album epitomizes frontline photography.

by Martin Kollar

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,470  (tax incl.)

76 pages
200 x 250 mm

published by MACK