アメリカ人アーティスト、エド・ルシェー(Ed Ruscha)の作品集。絵画から、紙を用いた作品、写真、アーティスト・ブックまで、65年にわたる作者のキャリアをさまざまなメディアにまたがりまとめた概観的一冊。第一線で活動する美術研究者陣によるテキストを収録。



キュレーターのクリストフ・シェリックス(Christophe Cherix)が、同じくキュレーターのアナ・トロク(Ana Torok)、キコ・エビ(Kiko Aebi)と共に編集とテキストを手がける。美術史家のベンジャミン・ブクロー(Benjamin H.D. Buchloh)、キュレーターのドナ・デ・サルボ(Donna De Salvo)とキュレーターであり美術史、美術理論、美術批評を専門に教鞭を執るリンダ・ノーデン(Linda Norden)、「ロサンゼルスカウンティー美術館(Los Angeles County Museum of Art / LACMA)」のディレクターであるマイケル・ゴーヴァン(Michael Govan)、グラフィックデザイナーでありキュレーター、評論家、教育者であるエレン・ラプトン(Ellen Lupton)とヴィジュアルアーティストのジェニファー・トビアス(Jennifer Tobias)、「ゲティ学術研究所」のアンドリュー・ペルフーク(Andrew Perchuk)、キュレーターであり評論家のジェフリー・ワイス(Jeffrey Weiss)によるテキストを収録。

A sweeping cross-media survey of Ruscha’s six-decade career, from paintings and works on paper to photographs and artist's books, with essays by leading scholars

Spanning 65 years of Ed Ruscha’s remarkable career and mirroring his own cross-disciplinary approach, Ed Ruscha / Now Then features over 250 objects, produced from 1958 to the present, including paintings, drawings, prints, films, photographs, artist’s books and installations. Published to accompany the most comprehensive presentation of the artist’s work to date, and his first solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, this richly illustrated catalog highlights Ruscha’s most acclaimed works alongside lesser-known aspects of his practice.
Essays by an interdisciplinary group of contributors examine Ruscha’s work under a new light, beyond the categories of Pop and Conceptual art with which he has traditionally been associated, to present fresh perspectives on one of the most influential figures in postwar American art. Taken together, they underscore Ruscha’s singular contributions, including his material exploration of language, experiments with unconventional mediums—such as gunpowder, chocolate or chewing tobacco—and his groundbreaking self-published books. Supplemented by an illustrated chronology and exhibition history, this publication captures the ceaseless reinvention that has defined his prolific, six-decade career.

Ed Ruscha (born 1937) was raised in Oklahoma City and moved to Los Angeles in 1956, where he attended the Chouinard Art Institute (now CalArts). First showing with the Ferus Gallery in the early 1960s, Ruscha was included in Walter Hopps' landmark Pop art show New Painting of Common Objects at the Pasadena Art Museum in 1962. He has since shown his work extensively, most recently in several medium-specific museum surveys, including the 2004 exhibition Cotton Puffs, Q-Tips®, Smoke and Mirrors: The Drawings of Ed Ruscha at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, which traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, and the 2009 exhibition Ed Ruscha: Fifty Years of Painting at the Hayward Gallery, London, which traveled to the Haus der Kunst, Munich, and Moderna Museet, Stockholm. In 2005, he represented the United States at the 51st Venice Biennale. Ruscha lives and works in Los Angeles.

by Ed Ruscha

REGULAR PRICE ¥15,400  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781633451506

340 pages
229 x 267 mm


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