スイス人建築家、ル・コルビュジエ(Le Corbusier)の作品集。その影響と発展は、20世紀を代表する人気の媒体であった「写真」の台頭と切っても切れない関係にあった。作者は、おそらく同世代のどの建築家よりも視覚文化に大きな影響を与えた人物であろう。同分野の多くの建築家よりはるかに先駆けて、作者は写真というイメージの力を生かし、自身の人物像やアイデア、建築物を定義し、世界中に広めた。この点において作者は、時代を先取りしていたと言えよう。



The influence and development of Le Corbusier was inextricably connected to the rise of the twentieth century's central form of popular media; photography. The Swiss-born architect had perhaps a more profound effect on visual culture than any other architect of his generation. Long before many in his field, he harnessed the power of the photographic image to define and disseminate his persona, his ideas and his buildings around the world. In this, he was far ahead of his time.

Coinciding with the 125th anniversary of Le Corbusier's birth and the 100th anniversary of the foundation of his first studio in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, this book brings together contributions by leading scholars and experts on the architect to explore Le Corbusier's use of and engagement with photography. From the early pictures he took as a young travelling architect and snapshots of his surroundings, to his hands-on approach to the graphic design of his influential publications, and large-scale photographic images and collages for architectural spaces, this collection of insights into Le Corbusier's photographic eye reveals the scope of his innovation, as well as offering candid and often unexpected images of the man himself.

Le Corbusier's connection with photography has long been noted. This is the first publication devoted solely to the special relationship between the architect and the most important form of media expression in the modern era. Completed by a reference section that includes an extensive chronology and bibliography, this significant contribution to the literature on Le Corbusier offers many fresh perspectives on his creative genius and the art of timeless design.

by Le Corbusier

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,900  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780500544228

256 pages
280 x 230 mm
color, black and white

published by THAMES & HUDSON

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