IN PRAISE OF SHADOWS by William Kentridge

南アフリカ人アーティスト、ウィリアム・ ケントリッジ (William Kentridge)の作品集。作者の35年間に及ぶ、ジャンルを超越したダイナミックな創作活動を広範囲にわたりまとめた一冊。


ロサンゼルスの美術館「THE BROAD」キュレーターであり出版部門のマネージャーも務めるエド・シャド(Ed Schad)によるテキストが作者のスタジオの写真と共に並び、同じく「THE BROAD」の創設者であるジョアン・ヘイラー(Joanne Heyler)が序文を著している。加えてアーティストのアン・マッコイ(Ann McCoy)、小説家のゼークス・ムダ(Zakes Mda)による寄稿、映画編集・音響デザイナーのウォルター・マーチ(Walter Murch)と作者の対談を収録。また、作者本人による未公開レクチャーも掲載されている。

This far-reaching book presents Kentridge’s dynamic art practice, which originates in charcoal drawing and expands into intersections with film, sculpture, opera and theater performances, printmaking and many other mediums. The volume is organized chronologically and thematically, emphasizing Kentridge’s destabilizing of South African and global narratives through openness to uncertainty, the generative power of the artist’s studio and perpetual change, all as conditions for illuminating repressed and silenced voices in historical records.

An essay by curator Ed Schad is presented along with studio photography, archival material and illuminating illustrations of Kentridge’s work, joining essays by globally recognized literary figures and thinkers Zakes Mda and Ann McCoy. Notably, the volume features a conversation between Kentridge and the famous film and sound editor Walter Murch, as well as a never-before-published lecture by the artist.

by William Kentridge

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781636810669

288 pages
210 x 267 mm
color, black and white

published by DELMONICO BOOKS

published by THE BROAD

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