DRM 1980 by Ted Stamm
アメリカ人アーティスト、テッド・スタム(Ted Stamm)の作品集。作者はひとつの構図に対して36回にわたり習作し、その中で色彩に焦点を当てた緻密な思考の過程を記録した。本書は、そのスケッチブックを複製した一冊。
A sketchbook facsimile, DRM 1980 documents the rigorous thought process of Brooklyn-born minimalist painter Ted Stamm (1944–84) as he explores color within a series of 36 studies for a single composition. The warmth of these intimate works stands in contrast to the stately severity of his shaped canvasses, though lacking none of their masterly precision.
by Ted Stamm
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