USELESS BODIES? by Elmgreen & Dragset

ベルリンを拠点に活動するマイケル・エルムグリーン(Michael Elmgreen)とインガー・ドラッグセット(Inger Dragset)の二人からなるアーティストデュオ「エルムグリーン&ドラグセット(Elmgreen & Dragset)」の作品集。2022年3月から8月にかけてイタリア・ミラノの「プラダ財団(Fondazione Prada)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。本展並びに本書は、脱工業化時代において、身体がいかに日常的な体験の中心的存在でなくなっているかを探求している。この変化は、労働条件、健康、人間関係、情報の保持方法など、私たちの生活のあらゆる側面に影響を及ぼしている。この展覧会では、パンデミックをはじめ、二次元のイメージに基づく世界に私たちがどのように適応していくのか、その方法を探る。


作者の彫刻作品やパフォーマンス作品の多くの側面をつなぎ根底にあるテーマは、身体に対する認識である。その活動を通じて、成長、親密さ、アイデンティティ、様々な生活様式、公共圏を動き回る方法といったテーマを探求している。本書は、オランダ人メディア理論家のヘアート・ロフィンク(Geert Lovink)、イタリア人作家、編集者、キュレーターのパオラ・アントネリ(Paola Antonelli)や、オランダ人建築家レム・コールハース(Rem Koolhaas)が寄稿したエッセイなども収録。

Spanning more than 3,000 square meters, “Useless Bodies?” is an exhibition by the artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset and one of the most ambitious thematic investigations realized by Fondazione Prada to date.

Conceived for four gallery spaces and the courtyard of its Milan venue, the exhibition explores the present condition of the body in the post-industrial age in which it seems that our physical presence is losing its centrality or is even completely superfluous. This shift impacts every aspect of our lives: from our working conditions, to our health, our interpersonal relationships, and the way we retain information. The exhibition “Useless Bodies?” also explores how we physically adapt to a world increasingly based on two-dimensional imagery, not least in the light of the current pandemic.

As stated by Elmgreen & Dragset, “our bodies are no longer the main agents of our existence. They don’t generate value in our societies’ advanced production methods as they did in the industrial era. One could claim our physical selves have even become more of an obstacle than an advantage. In the 19th century, the body was the producer of daily goods, whereas, in the 20th century, the body’s role became more that of the consumer. Twenty years into the 21st century the status of the body is now that of the product – with our data gathered and sold by Big Tech. With the publicly available knowledge surrounding the harvesting of data from tech companies being so inane, and the rapidly accelerating rate at which such companies are expanding into every aspect of our lives, it does sometimes feel a little scary to think about our bodies’ future role.

Perception of the body is an underlying theme that connects many aspects of the sculptural and performative work of Elmgreen & Dragset, who throughout their career have explored subjects such as growing up, intimacy, identity, different modes of living and how we navigate the public sphere.

Following the exhibition path from the Podium, to the Nord gallery, to the Cisterna, the audience will encounter several immersive installations. The Milan premises of Fondazione Prada are transformed into a series of different universes, each with their own atmosphere, theme, and aesthetics.

by Elmgreen & Dragset

REGULAR PRICE ¥19,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788887029802

528 pages
170 x 227 mm


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