WINOGRAND COLOR by Garry Winogrand

アメリカ人写真家、ゲイリー・ウィノグランド(Garry Winogrand)の作品集。戦後アメリカにおけるストリートフォトにおいて傑出し、巨匠として知られる作者の、稀に見るカラー作品を収録した一冊。


マンハッタンのにぎやかな街並みやコニーアイランドのボードウォーク下の日陰から、西アメリカの広大な風景やどこまでも続く道路まで、本書で明かされる一国の側面を捉えた優しいポートレイトは、それが過去のものであることを感じさせながらも、不朽の存在にも思わせる。作者による見知らぬ人々のスナップ写真は、比類なき親密性に溢れ、戦後のアメリカにおける日常を垣間見せる詩的な視点となっている。色鮮やかなカラー写真に特化した初のモノグラフである本書は、アリゾナ州ツーソンにある「センター・フォー・クリエイティブ・フォトグラフィー(Center for Creative Photography)」のアーカイブから150点の写真を紹介している。

This monograph stands as a groundbreaking tribute to the early color work of renowned American photographer Garry Winogrand. While he is most recognized for his candid and lively black-and-white street photography, Winogrand's portfolio also includes an impressive collection of over 45,000 color slides captured between the early 1950s and the late 1960s. Using two cameras strapped to his chest—one loaded with color film and the other with black-and-white film—he extensively documented his surroundings between commercial assignments, developing and refining a distinct and progressively daring body of personal work.
From the bustling streets of Manhattan to the shaded underside of Coney Island’s boardwalk to the expansive landscapes and open roads of the American West, Winogrand Color unveils a tender portrait of a version of the country that feels at once bygone and timeless. His snapshots of strangers exude an unparalleled sense of intimacy, offering poetic glimpses into everyday postwar America. Presenting 150 photographs selected from the archives at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, Arizona, this is the first monograph dedicated in full to Winogrand’s vivid color photography.

Born and raised in the Bronx, Garry Winogrand (1928-84) was a highly influential American photographer who came into prominence for his trailblazing contributions to street photography. His keen eye for human emotions and his ability to freeze spontaneous moments immortalized the essence of American society. His work continues to inspire and shape the field, leaving a lasting impact on both his contemporaries and future generations of photographers.

by Garry Winogrand

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781936611188

150 pages
305 x 305 mm