SHELF by Bruther

建築家であり「ベルリン芸術大学(Universität der Künste Berlin / UdK)」教授を務めるステファニー・ブリュ(Stéphanie Bru)と、「チューリッヒ工科大学(ETH Zürich)」で建築・デザインの教授を務めるアレクサンドル・テリオ(Alexandre Theriot)の二者がパリで主宰する建築事務所「BRUTHER」による作品集。ユニット名の由来は、両者の名前を合わせて短くまとめたもの。パリとチューリッヒを拠点とし、建築、リサーチ、教育、都市計画、景観といった分野で活動している。



Stéphanie Bru and Alexandre Theriot founded Bruther in 2007 in Paris. Bruther is the a contraction of the names of its founder. Today, the office is based in Paris and Zurich and works in architecture, research, education, urban planning and landscape.

Bruther is known for its public projects throughout France and Europe and for its commitment to socially engaged and responsible architecture. The adaptability and scalability of the buildings are the primary considerations of the firm, which uses mainly industrial raw materials.

An architecture project is not so different from a bookshelf. Before it is erected, a building is a sum of drawings, plans and written documents. Its matter is printed on paper, archived in files or shelves. Before it finds its definitive form, the project takes from the book as much as from the palimpsest. Any project-eventually built or not-sediments its strength and relevance by an accumulation of drawings and representations at different scales. The sketch and the final building express the same thing, but they say it better and better, through the different phases of the project.


REGULAR PRICE ¥7,920  (tax incl.)

200 pages
240 x 320 mm
color, black and white

published by SPECTOR BOOKS