SELECTED WORKS by Lucia Di Luciano, Giovanni Pizzo

イタリア人アーティストのルチア・ディ・ルチアーノ(Lucia Di Luciano)とジョヴァンニ・ピッツォ(Giovanni Pizzo)による作品集。20世紀イタリアにおける二人の前衛画家が生んだ作品の革新性を再考する一冊であり、1960年代から現在までの数十年にわたって制作された作品群を紹介する。


二者は同じ屋根の下にスタジオを構えて一枚のコンクリートで隔てて制作に勤しんでいたが、今回初めて二人の作品群が、背中合わせに2つの本を継ぎ表紙製本で "ひとつ" にまとめている。

この冷たい幾何学的で数学的なプロセスの種は、イマジネーションの糸で織られた生地のように軽やかなレースとして明らかな姿となっていて、実はほとんど気づけないのである。」 - ジョヴァンニ・ピッツォ(Giovanni Pizzo)

‘Almost imperceptible is the fact that this species of cold geometric and mathematical process could manifest itself as a light lace, like a fabric made of the threads of imagination’.

—Giovanni Pizzo

Lucia Di Luciano & Giovanni Pizzo: Selected Works presents a radical rediscovery of two of Italy’s 20th-century vanguard painters, presenting decades of their work from the ‘60s through now. Featuring never-before-seen paintings, the book explores the artists’ evolution through their strict daily practice guided by mathematical computations and permutations in black and white, through wilder experimentations in colour. Lucia and Giovanni worked under the same roof in studios separated by a concrete wall, and for the first time, this collection presents their work together in a single volume in dos-à-dos binding.

Edited and introduced by one of Apartamento’s long-standing contributors, Fabio Cherstich [editor of Larry Stanton: Think of Me When It Thunders], his definitive selection offers unique insight into their ever-experimental careers. The book also includes an exclusive personal account by artist Nathalie Du Pasquier, and a lyric text by the late Giovanni; Lucia Di Luciano & Giovanni Pizzo is dedicated to his memory, conserving his incredible, poetic vision of their work; ‘Other times, swarms of little black squares resemble the shifting clouds of starlings in the September skies of Rome’.

by Giovanni Pizzo , Lucia Di Luciano

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,250  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788409580927

softcover (dos à dos binding)
128 pages
243 x 295 mm

published by APARTAMENTO