RISK by Buck Ellison

アメリカ人アーティスト、バック・エリソン(Buck Ellison)の作品集。

クレジット・レポート、テニスボール、ウイスキーのタンブラー、「ニューヨーク・タイムズ(The New York Times)」紙の結婚式のお知らせ。一見すると何の変哲もない、ありふれたものにさえ見える。しかしよく見ると、本書の冒頭を飾る静物写真群は、銀行の広告写真やライフスタイル・カタログのイメージにマッチするように演出やスタイリングがなされ、アメリカにおける白人の富と特権を形式的かつ丹念に表現している。その見せかけの日常性こそが重要なのである。作者は、白人が行使する権力のシステムを永続させる、陰湿でしばしば目に見えない構造を作品の対象としてきた。白人の安全性と暴力性、そしてそれがレンズを通したメディアでどのように保持され、広がったかに目を向ける。そして作者は権力を伝播する道具としてのジェスチャー、マナー、言語という考え方に興味を持つようになった。



It is an art book. It looks like an IDEA book. But don't be fooled. The photographs are styled to match the imagery of a bank advertisement or lifestyle catalogue. They are painstakingly staged representations of wealth and privilege. They are so pitch-perfect as to become inseparable from their target.

It is the closeness that is the point; only the exacting accuracy of the copy can illuminate the unconscious machinations of the originals. The blue cotton stripe shirting fabric of the cover is a perfect example. It is a bookcloth, not cotton, but printed with a sewn-weave ink pattern. A facsimile that explains the process of the original that would otherwise be taken for granted.

The Bengal stripe is a popular shirting pattern. It originated in Bengal and was worn by the Bengal Lancers (a regiment of the British East India Company's armed forces) from the 17th century onward. The pattern was brought to England and became fashionable for gentlemen to wear on business occasions.

RISK is not Buck Ellison's first book. There was Living Trust in 2020 (Loose Joints), a now sold-out and very scarce first monograph, Little Brother (2022) and Best Reply (2023), self-published artist's books inspired by college readers, also sold out, and his photograph The Prince Children, Holland, Michigan, 1975 (2019) was chosen as the cover of The Image of Whiteness: Contemporary Photography and Racialization in 2022.

Books, and particularly art monographs and catalogues raisonnés, are (like drawing rooms, dining tables, family albums, trophy cabinets, private bank annual reports and prep-school clothing) meaningful artefacts in Ellison's world. When he makes an art book, as he has done with RISK, he is also making and remaking every book; the typeface carries weight, the footnotes are loaded with importance.

by Buck Ellison

REGULAR PRICE ¥19,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781739591885

144 pages
320 x 245 mm    
limited edition of 1,000 copies


published by IDEA