POPIHUISE by Vuyo Mabheka

南アフリカ人ヴィジュアルアーティストでありフォトグラファー、ヴーヨ・マビカ(Vuyo Mabheka)の作品集。本作は作者にとって初刊行となる一冊である。南アフリカとナミビアで話される、オランダ語に由来するアフリカーンス語の言葉「pophuis」は、子供たちに親しまれているドールハウスのゲームを指す。この遊びをもとに、作者は幼少期における自身の貴重な写真を切り抜き、このシリーズを制作した。作者が登場するインテリアや風景は、時に自身が密かに撮影したコミュニティの人々を代表とする架空の友人を伴い、また時に空想上の無表情な父親の姿の前に現れる。



The Afrikaans word “pophuis” refers to a dollhouse game familiar to children. Vuyo Mabheka builds the Popihuise series based on this game, using cutouts from rare childhood photos of himself. He creates interiors and scenes where he appears, sometimes accompanied by imaginary friends — represented by people from his community whom he has secretly photographed, and sometimes in the presence of a fantasised and faceless father figure.

The series features a few core elements: drawings, collages, and photographs, coexist in a seemingly naïve and tender universe. Shiny cars, skyscrapers, burning tires, and new pavilions contrast with cultivated fields, colourful birds, graffiti, and blossoming trees.

Among these images, which highlight the tension between liberalism and modernity, stands a child almost helpless in the face of his harsh reality: Vuyo Mabheka, who is rewriting his memories and reclaiming his own world.

Popihuise is Vuyo Mabheka’s first book.

by Vuyo Mabheka

REGULAR PRICE ¥8,250  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9791096383467

56 pages
203 x 275 mm

published by CHOSE COMMUNE