NIRVANA by Jason Lazarus

フロリダを拠点とするフォトグラファー、ジェイソン・ラザラス(Jason Lazarus)の作品集。「Who introduced you to Nirvana?(誰が僕をニルヴァーナの音楽へと導いたのか?)」というテーマに対して、自身の作品からセレクトした写真と文章を収録。著者の青春時代を辿りながら、家族や友人達の写真と共にそれぞれのエピソードが添えられている。

The photographs and accompanying statements in Nirvana are answers to Jason Lazarus’ question: ‘Who introduced you to Nirvana?’

‘Some of the statements are nostalgic, some are amusing and some are downright tragic. There are tales of growing pains: getting high, parents and part-time parents; there are tales of sex, from losing virginities to dorm room romps to stalkers; there are tales of woe, from motorcycle accidents to broken backs and AIDS. Just when you feel you are getting comfortable flicking between the words on the back cover to the flashed out face in the photo, something comes along and unsettles you.’ - Super Massive Black Hole

by Jason Lazarus

REGULAR PRICE ¥3,630 (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-0-9574724-2-6

32 pages
240 x 170 mm
limited edition of 400 copies

published by HERE PRESS