IN FORMATION by Antony Gormley

イギリス人彫刻家、アントニー・ゴームリー(Antony Gormley)の作品集。本書は、2019年から2020年にロンドンのギャラリー「White Cube」での展覧会開催に伴い刊行された。鉄で作られた彫刻の2つのシリーズは、人が環境によってどの程度形作られ、どの程度環境を形作っているのかを問いかけている。

ヨハネス・グーテンベルク大学マインツで近現代美術史を教えるクリスティアン・ベルガー(Christian Berger)と作家、歴史家であり、オックスフォード・ブルックス大学とユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンの芸術史科講師を務めるタリア・アリントン=ウッド(Thalia Allington-Wood)によるエッセイを収録。


In Formation was published to mark Antony Gormley’s solo exhibition at White Cube Mason’s Yard, London (13 November 2019 – 18 January 2020). A presentation of two groups of sculpture, the cast iron works that made up this presentation question to what extent we are the product of our environment, and to what extent we are makers of it. Created by experimental design studio Kellenberger-White in collaboration with the artist and his studio, the publication is a record of Gormley’s sculpture in situ, in rotation shots of individual works, in details, and installation shots. With essays by Christian Berger and Thalia Allington-Wood written in response to the work, this is a unique object conceived in direct response to the original installation. Designed with throw-out pages only opening out to the right, this is a carefully considered and crafted book that is a fitting accompaniment to an important exhibition by one of the most highly regarded sculptors working today.

Contributors: Dr Thalia Allington-Wood is a writer and art historian, lecturer in the Department of Art History at Oxford Brookes University and University College London. Dr Christian Berger is a lecturer in modern and contemporary art at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany.

by Antony Gormley

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781910844403

192 pages
272 x 190 mm
color, black and white

published by WHITE CUBE