GIGER SORAYAMA by H. R. Giger, Hajime Sorayama [SECOND EDITION]

日本人現代アーティスト、空山 基とスイス人アーティスト、ハンス・リューディ・ギーガー(H. R. Giger)による作品集。イタリアのアートマガジン『KALEIDOSCOPE』編集長のアレッシオ・アスカーリ(Alessio Ascari)とアートギャラリー「NANZUKA」のオーナー南塚真史の共同キュレーションによる2人展「H.R.GIGER x SORAYAMA」の開催に伴い刊行。

2人の作品が初めて一堂に会したこの巡回展は、2020年12月から2021年2月にかけてPARCO MUSEUM TOKYOと大阪のパルコイベントホールで開催された。ギーガー生誕80周年を記念し、1960年代後半から現在まで50点以上の作品が展覧。スイスのデザインスタジオのキャスパー・フロリオ(Kasper-Florio)とサミュエル・バンジガー(Samuel Bänziger)がデザインを担当。共同キュレーターのアレッシオ・アスカーリの序文、ヴィーナス・ラウ(Venus Lau)の批評的エッセイ、ハンス・ウルリッヒ・オブリスト(Hans Ulrich Obrist)とパトリック・フレイ(Patrick Frey)がギーガーの生前に行ったインタビュー、アレッシオ・アスカーリによる空山へのインタビューを収録。50x70cmサイズの両面印刷ポスター、20cmのダイカットステッカーが付属。


This super book published by KALEIDOSCOPE accompanies a two-artist exhibition co-curated by Alessio Ascari and Shinji Nanzuka, bringing together for the very first time the work of Japanese artist Hajime Sorayama and Swiss artist HR Giger.

Touring from PARCO Museum in Tokyo to PARCO Event Hall in Osaka between December 2020 and February 2021, the exhibition coincides with the 80th anniversary of Giger’s birth and features over 50 works ranging from the late 1960s to the present day. The catalogue, designed by Swiss-based art direction firm Kasper-Florio with Samuel Bänziger, features a foreword by co-curator Alessio Ascari, a critical essay by Venus Lau, an interview with the late HR Giger by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Patrick Frey, and a recent interview with Sorayama by Ascari. It comes with a 50x70cm two-sided poster, and two 20cm die-cut stickers.

Born and trained at opposite ends of the world, Sorayama and Giger are apparently at odds—one’s bright colors are swallowed by the other’s dark chiaroscuro; one’s enthusiastic outlook on technology borders with the other’s nightmarish dystopia; one’s “super-realism” challenges the other’s surrealism—yet they share more than meets the eye. Both emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, becoming acknowledged masters of airbrush painting and influential creators beyond the boundaries of the traditional art world, blurring the relationship between commercial and personal work. But more importantly, at the very core of their practice lies a similar concern: an obsessive investigation of AI, eternal life, and the fusion of organic and apparatus. Gynoids (female androids) are predominant subjects, conjuring the post-human and the apotheosis of the woman to reveal an underlying tension between life, death, power and desire.

by H. R. Giger , Hajime Sorayama

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788897185062

softcover with a 500 x 700 mm poster and two 20 mm stickers
108 pages
265 x 365 mm
color, black and white


winner of The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2020 (awarded in 2021)

published by KALEIDOSCOPE