FUZHOU by Kenro Izu


私が馬氏に初めて出会ったのは2016年11月でした。その15年前に馬氏は新しく建設されたダムによって、ふるさとである中国・江西省の抚州(ふじょう)の一部がもうすぐ水底に沈むことを知りました。明朝や清朝の石づくりの邸宅や周囲に 繁る樹齢千年級の木々も永遠に失われてしまう。この事態をなんとか回避しようと馬氏は奮闘しました。」— 井津建郎


“I first met Mr. Ma in November 2016. Fifteen years prior, he had learned that a part of his beloved hometown of Fuzhou in Jiangxi Province would soon be immersed beneath the rising water of a newly built dam. Ming and Qing dynasty-era stone mansions and the thousand-year-old trees surrounding them would be submerged forever. His response to this was extraordinary.
” — Kenro Izu

Dadon Ma’s heroic efforts to save parts of his hometown from flooding included physically disassembling, transporting and rebuilding many of the structures, along with some 10,000 trees, to a resort hundreds of miles away that he was constructing for this very purpose. Moved by the passion of Mr. Ma, Kenro Izu undertook to photograph the remaining majestic houses and other traditional structures of the ancient village to record to remind ourselves where we have come from, and propose to consider where we are going. Some of the homes were still inhabited by people who had grown up there, and who wanted to live and die where their ancestors had done so. Many of the homes still had altars to these ancestors; in others, the altars had been replaced by old posters of Chairman Mao. Still others were decorated with photographs of Lenin or Marx, the iconic images of the Cultural Revolution days, aging together with the buildings themselves. Fuzhou had become symbolic place, giving trace reminders of the life of people before the dam was built. The resulting book serves as a reminder that many places on Earth could serve as bridges to our past; but often instead are simply been obliterated in the interest of land development. Abandoned villages, ruined houses, and the last remaining residents – these are the monuments of humankind.

by Kenro Izu

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,550  (tax incl.)

hardcover in a laminated wooden slipcase
90 pages
220 x 300 mm
black and white
limited edition of 1,000 copies

published by NAZRAELI PRESS