ギリシャ人映画監督、ヨルゴス・ランティモス(Yorgos Lanthimos)の作品集。2023年公開の映画『哀れなるものたち(原題:Poor Things)』(日本では2024年公開)の風景を写真で写し出し、美しい装丁でまとめた一冊。
作者は、映画の撮影中や合間の休憩時間に大判、中判カメラで写真を撮り、主演女優のエマ・ストーン(Emma Stone)と共に間に合わせで用意した暗室に入り、6x7のカラーネガフィルムと4x5のモノクロネガフィルムを現像し続けたという。本書はそんな二者のユニークなクリエイティブ・パートナーシップのもと、まるで錬金術のように映画という領域や制約を超えた創造的な結果を生み出した。
「ああ神よ、パルテノン神殿は壊れたままなのです(DEAR GOD, THE PARTHENON IS STILL BROKEN)」
このタイトルは、劇中でヒロインのエマ・ストーン演じるベラ・バクスターが、父であるゴドウィン・バクスター(ウィレム・デフォー(Willem Dafoe)演)を神と呼んでいることが表されている。この一節は、ベラから父である神に送るはずだった絵葉書から由来しているが、このシーンは映画の最終稿からカットされている。また、表紙の絵は、版元である「VOID」が父役のウィレム・デフォーに似ているという理由でローマ神話の神ジュピターの仮面を採用し、そこにゴドウィン・バクスターの傷跡を与えて描かれたものである。
本書の冒頭には、ミュージシャン、作家、詩人のパティ・スミス(Patti Smith)による未発表の詩を収録。本映画にインスパイアされて書いたものである。
‘Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken’ is a photographic vignette by Yorgos Lanthimos. Although created on the set of the film ‘Poor Things’ in Budapest, the book inhabits a separate world, untethered from time and place.
The photographs drift between black and white and colour, giving the impression of a waking dream between past and present, whilst multiple layers between reality and fiction are gradually revealed. The film was set in various late 19th century locations including London, Lisbon, Marseille, and a cruise ship—all recreated in Budapest. These constructed cities and interiors provide the backdrop for the photographs. The characters populate these imagined cities whilst the precarious screens, scaffolding, rigs, lighting and crew are divulged on the periphery of the images. Lanthimos has intentionally widened the frame to show the workings of the construct, fabricating a new story within the story. To mirror this, the publication is designed with foldouts to reveal these constructs within the cast of characters—the reader opens a book within a book.
In reaction to the fast-moving creation of the film, Lanthimos embraced the opportunity to use a large-format camera to make these images, focusing on stillness, tonality and light. Deciding on a composition and not changing this until the exposure was complete, each picture provided him with a meditative time of focus. The creative process of making the images extended to collaboration with the actress Emma Stone who played the role of Bella Baxter in the film, for which she was awarded an Oscar. Through working together on previous projects, Lanthimos and Stone have developed a unique creative partnership. After a busy day of filming, they would develop the colour 6x7 negatives and the b&w 4x5 sheet film together in a makeshift darkroom in a bathroom. This alchemic act offered them both a creative outlet beyond the realm and constraints of the film.
The title of the book ‘Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken’ comes from a postcard that the character of Bella Baxter was to send to her father, God, from Athens. The scene was cut from the final version of the film.
The book opens with a previously unpublished poem by Patti Smith, inspired by the film.