スイスの現代美術館「ジュネーブ現代美術センター(Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève)」の歴史を辿る一冊。本書は、1974年の創設から今日に至るまでの「ジュネーブ現代美術センター」の歴史のハイライトを追体験するために行われた歴史学的研究の成果である。2部構成、約500ページに及ぶ豊富な図版を通じて、このフランス語圏スイス初の美術館が歩んできたユニークな歴史とそれを彩る数々の優美な瞬間を追う。

第一部は、同センターの主要な時代に焦点を当て、ビデオアートや実験映像の研究者であるフランソワ・ブービエ(François Bovier)と、学者、研究者、キュレーターであるアデナ・メイ(Adeena Mey)による詳細なエッセイを収録。

より個人的な視点から同センターの歴史を紹介した第二部は、現館長のアンドレア・ベリーニ(Andrea Bellini)が前任の館長たちやヴィジュアルアーティストのシルヴィ・ドゥフラウイ(Silvie Defraoui)、パフォーマンスアーティストであり彫刻家、画家、評論家でキュレーターのジョン・アムレーダー(John Armleder)、ヴィジュアルアーティストのオリヴィエ・モセ(Olivier Mosset)など、同センターと強い絆で結ばれてきた重要な芸術家たちに行った、一連の非常に興味深いインタビューで構成されている。


This work is the result of a historiographical research work carried out to revive the highlights of the Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève since its creation in 1974 to the present day. Articulated in two sections, the book traces, through nearly 500 richly illustrated pages, the singular history and the moments of grace of the first Kunsthalle of French-speaking Switzerland.

The first part, an in-depth essay by François Bovier and Adeena Mey, focuses on the major eras of the institution, while the second part gives a more personal history of the life of the institution, which consists of a series of exciting talks led by Andrea Bellini, the current director of the Centre with its predecessors, as well as with major artistic figures who have shared a strong relationship with the Centre, such as Silvie Defraoui, John Armleder or Olivier Mosset.

Finally, an exhaustive chronology of exhibitions and cultural events reveals the diversity and high quality of the projects developed by the Center since its inception. This book shows how the history of the Center has echoed the great history of art since the 1970s.

With Vito Acconci, Francis Alÿs, Laurie Anderson, Carl Andre, Nobuyoshi Araki, John M Armleder, Art Orienté Objet, Richard Artschwager, Ed Atkins, John Baldessari, Stephan Balkenhol, Matthew Barney, Yto Barrada, Robert Barry, Francis Baudevin, Vanessa Beecroft, Lynda Benglis, Joseph Beuys, Mel Bochner, Alighiero Boetti, Christian Boltanski, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Louise Bourgeois, Martin Boyce, George Brecht, Candice Breitz, Olaf Breuning, Genesis P-Orridge, Marcel Broodthaers, Stefan Brüggemann, Angela Bulloch, Erik Bullot, Luis Buñuel, Chris Burden, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Balthasar Burkhard, Williams S. Burroughs, Jean-Marc Bustamante, John Cage, Sophie Calle, Valentin Carron, Luciano Castelli, Maurizio Cattelan, Charlemagne Palestine, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Jerome Charyn, Henri Chopin, Francesco Clemente, Claude Closky, Tony Conrad, Tony Cragg, Martin Creed, Enzo Cucchi, Chris Cunningham, Roberto Cuoghi, Haroldo de Campos, Richard Deacon, Philippe Decrauzat, Peter Downsbrough, Wang Du, Marcel Duchamp, Marlene Dumas, Latifa Echakhch, Tracey Emin, Brian Eno, Valie Export, Fischli & Weiss, Sylvie Fleury, Lucio Fontana, Peter Friedl, Ryan Gander, Dora Garcia, Vidya Gastaldon, General Idea, Isa Genzken, Jochen Gerz, HR Giger, Gilbert & George, Philip Glass, Jean-Luc Godard, Nan Goldin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Renée Green, Giorgio Griffa, Fabrice Gygi, Hans Haacke, Jens Haaning, Mona Hatoum, Raphael Hefti, Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet, Dick Higgins, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Jenny Holzer, David Hominal, Roni Horn, Alfredo Jaar, Derek Jarman, Nam June Paik, Anish Kapoor, Alex Katz, On Kawara, Mike Kelley, William Kentridge, Anselm Kiefer, Karen Kilimnik, Scott King, Martin Kippenberger, Joachim Koester, Rem Koolhaas, Jeff Koons, Joseph Kosuth, Jannis Kounellis, Elke Krystufek, David Lamelas, Sigalit Landau, Bertrand Lavier, Louise Lawler, Ange Leccia, Sherrie Levine, Mark Lewis, Sol LeWitt, Glenn Ligon, Sarah Lucas, Alvin Lucier, John Lurie, Urs Lüthi, Piero Manzoni, Robert Mapplethorpe, Christian Marclay, Gordon Matta-Clark, Paul McCarthy, Mario Merz, Annette Messager, Monolake, Malcom Morley, Robert Morris, Olivier Mosset, Gianni Motti, Jean-Luc Moulène, Matt Mullican, Maurizio Nannucci, Bruce Nauman, Max Neuhaus, Oscar Niemeyer, Cady Noland, Richard Nonas, Amy O'Neil, Claes Oldenburg, Luigi Ontani, Gabriel Orozco, Auguste Orts, Jean Otth, Tony Oursler, Martin Parr, Giuseppe Penone, Mai-Thu Perret, Raymond Pettibon, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sigmar Polke, Richard Prince, Laure Prouvost, Yvonne Rainer, Man Ray, Tobias Rehberger, Delphine Reist, Gerhard Richter, Terry Riley, Pipilotti Rist, Ugo Rondinone, Martha Rosler, Dieter Roth, Sterling Ruby, Thomas Ruff, Ed Ruscha, Sarkis, Scanner, Zineb Sedira, Yann Serandour, Andres Serrano, Shirana Shahbazi, Cindy Sherman, Roman Signer, Kiki Smith, Josh Smith, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, Beat Streuli, Wolfgang Tillmans, Jean Tinguely, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Niele Torini, Rosemarie Trockel, Tatiana Trouvé, Richard Tuttle, Francesco Vezzoli, Gisèle Vienne, Bill Viola, Kelley Walker, Jeff Wall, Lawrence Weiner, Andro Wekua, Franz West, Christopher Wool, Iannis Xenakis, Heimo Zobernig...

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9782970105411

488 pages
225 x 290 mm
color, black and white

published by LES PRESSES DU RÉEL