レシピブックシリーズの新作『APARTAMENTO COOKBOOK #8 TUBER, OR NOT TUBER?』の刊行を記念し、本の挿絵を手がけたオルガ・プラダー(Olga Prader)がバッグのイラストレーションを担当。このトートバッグに「TUBER(ジャガイモなどの塊茎)」を1つ、2つと入れて、友人たちとの楽しいディナーを楽しもう。

本商品は「Bags of Ethics」認定企業と提携して制作されている。

Spice up your day with our brand new, sky-blue Apartamento tote bag! Designed for all your everyday needs, this autumn essential will add a dash of humour and a sprinkle of pleasure to your routine. A custom illustration by Olga Prader celebrates the launch of Apartamento Cookbook #8: Tuber, or Not Tuber?, a Shakespearean take on our annual series of fun, original recipes. Carry your copy in our new tote along with a tuber or two, and treat yourself to a festive dinner with friends! We partnered with a Bags of Ethics-certified company to produce these totes. Get yours now!

by Olga Prader

REGULAR PRICE ¥4,400  (tax incl.)

cotton canvas
body: 380 x 420 mm
handle: 25 x 610 mm

published by APARTAMENTO