2017年に創立50周年を迎えた「リッソンギャラリー(Lisson Gallery)」の歴史と功績の記録として制作された、アーカイブブックのリミテッドエディション。LISSON GALLERYが所属アーティストたちに依頼をし、各アーティスト10部限定で制作された特別版であり、アーティストが直接カバーにアートワークを施した「ハンドメイドエディション」と、本書の為に提供されたアートワークをデジタルプリントした「デジタルエディション」の2バージョンがある。

本作は、イギリス人彫刻家、トニー・クラッグ(Tony Cragg)が手がけたデジタルエディション。


オランダ人デザイナー、イルマ・ボーム(Irma Boom)によって手掛けられた本書は、マリーナ・アブラモヴィッチ(Marina Abramović)に始まり、アイ・ウェイウェイ(Ai Weiwei)、ジョン・アコマフラ(John Akomfrah)からフレッド・サンドバック(Fred Sandback)、ローレンス・ウィナー(Lawrence Weiner)まで、同ギャラリーに所属してきたアーティスト達をアルファベット順に掲載。1000ページを超えるボリュームとなる同書には、同ギャラリーで行われてきた150名以上のアーティスト達による500以上に及ぶ展覧会記録と共に、この半世紀で重要とされてきた批評家達が寄せたテキストやレビュー、過去出版物からの抜粋などが添えられる形で収録。これらのアーカイブの中には、リチャード・ディーコン(Richard Deacon)によるスケッチやソル・ルウィット(Sol LeWitt)が手書きで残したカタログレイアウト、更にはカール・アンドレ(Carl Andre)の書いたインスタレーションの指示書にダン・グラハム(Dan Graham)の展覧会メモに加え、アーティスト達がギャラリーの創設者、ニコラス・ログズデイル(Nicholas Logsdail)に宛てたポストカードなど、多種多様な資料も収められており、非常に充実したコレクションが詰まった1冊となっている。箱には、1970年代から同ギャラリーに所属してきたフランス人アーティスト、ダニエル・ビュレン(Daniel Buren)が特別に制作したアートワークが起用されている。

More than 25 artists have designed limited edition covers for 'ARTIST | WORK | LISSON'. Produced on the occasion of the gallery's 50th anniversary, the publication features an A-to-Z of every artist who has had a solo exhibition at Lisson Gallery over the past 50 years. Limited edition covers by a number of gallery artists, including Richard Long, Ai Weiwei, Ryan Gander, Stanley Whitney and more. This is the digital-print edition by Tatsuo Miyajima.

ARTIST | WORK | LISSON documents the history and legacy of Lisson Gallery over the past 50 years. Under the art direction of famed Dutch designer Irma Boom, the publication features an A-to-Z of every artist who has had a solo exhibition at the gallery: from ABRAMOVIC, AI, AKOMFRAH, ANDRE and ARCANGEL to RYMAN, SANDBACK and WEINER. The gallery’s extensive and unique archive provides the publication with more than 2,000 illustrations gathered from five decades of resources. Running over 1,000 pages, the book provides a double page spread to each artist for each exhibition he or she has had at the gallery – over 500 exhibitions in total. Each artist’s section is accompanied by a short narrative, notable review or previously published extract by many of the finest writers of the last half century including: Stuart Morgan, Okwui Enwezor, Iwona Blazwick, Germano Celant, Chrissie Iles, Lisa Phillips, Roberta Smith, Homi K Bhabha, Tom McCarthy and Robert Storr. Critical texts are placed alongside sketches by artists such as Richard Deacon or hand-drawn layouts for catalogues by Sol LeWitt, as well as installation instructions from Carl Andre or exhibition notes by Dan Graham. The publication also contains images of postcards addressed to the gallery’s founder Nicholas Logsdail over the last 50 years, from artists including Ceal Floyer, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, On Kawara and Richard Long. As well as a deep collection of textual, archival and visual material, ARTIST | WORK | LISSON includes a number of short essays by Nicholas Logsdail and other members of Lisson Gallery, including Greg Hilty (Curatorial Director), Alex Logsdail (International Director) and Ossian Ward (Head of Content). Since its inception in 1967, Lisson has had a presence on Bell Street near Edgware Road station in London and now encompasses two locations in the area and two in New York. The publication captures a snapshot of the evolving art scenes of these communities over the last half-century, as well as various locations around the world through the gallery’s participation in art fairs, biennales and off-site projects. These contributions, distributed throughout the book, address specific themes relevant to the gallery’s unrivalled longevity and position at the center of international contemporary art. The box of ARTIST | WORK | LISSON SPECIAL EDITION has been specially designed by Daniel Buren, who has been exhibiting at Lisson Gallery since the 1970s.

by Tony Cragg

REGULAR PRICE ¥121,000  (tax incl.)

softcover in a box
1,152 pages
297 x 210 mm
limited edition of 10 copies + 2APs


published by LISSON GALLERY