ACCOUNTS by AE Foundation

イギリスのエディンバラを拠点として現代の建築教育と実践に関して探求し活動するAE財団(AE Foundation)による作品集。2011年の活動開始から5年に渡り、メンバーとゲストの間で行われてきたさまざまな討論の記録をまとめた一冊。著名な顔ぶれから新進気鋭の建築家、教育者による講演、討論、インタビューなどを収録。「Doubt(疑問)」「Authorship(作家性)」「Architecture(建築)」「City(都市)」「Buildings(建物)」「History(歴史)」「Resistance(抵抗)」といったトピックに始まり、対話はこの分野を占める多種多様な思想を追求し続けている。本書は、このようなテーマについて真剣に議論する参加者たちによって作りあげられた、熱意のこもる一冊。

Accounts” is a record of an extended conversation that took place among the members and invited guests of the AE Foundation in the first five years of its activity. It includes lectures, discussions and interviews with prominent figures, emerging architects and educators. Beginning with Doubt, Authorship, Architecture, City, Buildings, History and Resistance, the conversation continued to explore the many and varied schools of thought that occupy the discipline. This book is the result of the spontaneous enthusiasm that erupts when sincere individuals meet to discuss their favourite subject seriously.

Contributors: Pier Vittorio Aureli, Micha Bandini, Mario Carpo, Francois Charbonnet, Beat Consoni, Irina Davidovici, Mike Davies, Andrea Deplazes, Angela Deuber, Sérgio Fernandez, Jorge Figueira, Pascal Flammer, Adrian Forty, Christoph Gantenbein, Neil Gillespie, John Haldane, Rolf Jenni and Tom Weiss, Jan Kinsbergen, David Kohn, Penny Lewis, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan, Rowan Mackinnon-Pryde, Peter Märkli, Gabriele Mastrigli, Cameron McEwan, Marcel Meili, Samuel Penn, Emmanuel Petit, Kester Rattenbury, Daniel Serafimovski, Jonathan Sergison, Bruno Silvestre, Álvaro Siza, Luigi Snozzi, Laurent Stalder, Martino Tattara, Dirk van den Heuvel, Marie-José Van Hee, Adrien Verschuere, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Andrea Zanderigo, Raphael Zuber

by AE Foundation

REGULAR PRICE ¥5,940  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9789730297874

248 pages
165 x 230 mm
color, black and white
limited edition of 500 copies

published by PELINU BOOKS