A WOMAN I ONCE KNEW by Rosalind Fox Solomon

アメリカ人フォトグラファー、ロザリンド・フォックス・ソロモン(Rosalind Fox Solomon)の作品集。テネシー州の都市チャタヌーガに住んでいた38歳の時、作者は写真家として新たな人生を歩み始めた。1970年代初頭、オーストリアに生まれアメリカで活動したフォトグラファー、リゼット・モデル(Lisette Model)に師事し、その後の半世紀に生み出す驚異的な作品群を決定づけることになる写真表現に磨きをかけた。1984年にニューヨークのロフトに移り住み、ペルー、インド、南アフリカ、カンボジアなどを旅した後、世界中の日常を撮影したゆるぎない写真作品でその名が知れ渡った。


At thirty-eight, while living in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Rosalind Fox Solomon began a new life as a photographer. Studying with Lisette Model in the early 1970s, she honed the photographic voice which would define the prodigious half-century of work to follow. After moving to a loft in New York City in 1984, and travelling to Peru, India, South Africa, Cambodia, and beyond, she became renowned for her unflinching photography of everyday life around the world.

Throughout the same period, Solomon made self-portraits. Taking photography as a means of insistent introspection, over five decades Solomon studied the evolution of her aging body and embraced the self-estrangement her camera affords. A Woman I Once Knew brings these self-portraits together alongside extended texts by Solomon to form a unique work of autobiography, ambitious in its combination of image and text. Solomon’s writings allude to the periodic depressions and euphoric experiences in other cultures that defined her extraordinary life and shaped her empathetic approach to photography. They sit in fraught and suggestive dialogue with her revelatory self-portraits. A remarkable new work from an epochal photographer, this volume shows a startling rigorousness and sensitivity of self-examination which suggests the boundless possibilities of taking the self as subject.

by Rosalind Fox Solomon

REGULAR PRICE ¥13,750  (tax incl.)

264 pages
260 x 380 mm
color, black and white

published by MACK