MAKING by Thomas Heatherwick
イギリス人建築家トーマス・ヘザウィック(Thomas Heatherwick)の作品集。2013年、2015年に同出版社から刊行された同名書籍の増補改訂版にあたる本書は、16の新しいプロジェクトと新たな写真が追加され、150以上の作品が650ページものボリュームに収められている。国際的に高く評価されている作者に関する決定版と呼ぶのに相応しい一冊であり、この先も最も重要なデザイン資料の一つとして在り続けるだろう。
Featuring sixteen new projects and fresh photography, this updated and revised volume remains the definitive publication on the internationally acclaimed designer Thomas Heatherwick.
Wallpaper* once described Thomas Heatherwick as having "the world at his feet," and the designer's bestselling monograph puts his world at ours. Filling almost 650 pages, this fully revised and updated edition illuminates the breathtaking imagination behind more than one hundred and fifty of the studio's extraordinary works, from London to Shanghai, New York to Tokyo. Now with sixteen new projects, updated photography and an index for easy navigation, Thomas Heatherwick: Making will remain a crucial design resource.
Covering the studio's complete output since its foundation in 1994, this new edition features several extraordinary new projects, at all scales, from an unfolding National Trust Glasshouse in Sussex to an iconic red Friction Table shown at Design Miami in Shanghai. Revealing texts give an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at Heatherwick's creative processes, now ingrained in the DNA of the studio itself, answering the question "How did he do that?" and "Why did he do that?" As Heatherwick's body of work continues to expand, pushing creative, design and manufacturing boundaries, this tome will provide inspiration for curious minds across the globe.
750 color illustrations.