STAY GOLD by Yosuke Takeda

日本人写真家、武田陽介の作品集。2014年にタカ・イシイギャラリーで開催された展覧会「Stay Gold」に伴い刊行された。2006 年から2014 年にかけて制作された写真作品のなかから、38点を掲載。抽象画のような構図や平面性を兼ね備えた作品群は、その殆どがストレートなスナップショットである。印画紙に像を定着させるという行為と、デジタルデータをモニターディスプレイで操作するという行為の間に立って、写真の可能性を探り続ける作家の現在進行形の姿を感じられる一冊。美術評論家の清水穣によるテキストを収録。



Stay Goldとは抵抗である。
Nothing Gold Can Stay = 変わらないものは何もない、という正しさを知りながら、それでも、変わらないもの、変わらないことの傍らに立つという抵抗である。


This photo book was published to accompany the solo exhibition “Stay Gold” in 2014. 38 photographs made between 2006 and 2014 are included. Mostly straight snapshots, the images share a flatness and composition similar to abstract painting. With the book there’s an awareness of the progressive artist standing between the acts of fixing an image to photographic paper and operating monitor displays with images as digital data, continuously exploring the possibilities of photography. Accompanying text comes from art critic Minoru Shimizu.

Official Press Release:

Taka Ishii Gallery is pleased to present “Stay Gold,” a solo exhibition of Yosuke Takeda’s photographs from March 22nd to April 19th, 2014. This exhibition, Takeda’s first with Taka Ishii Gallery, will include approximately fourteen of his most representative photographic works made between 2006 and 2014.

To “Stay Gold” is a type of resistance.
To say that “Nothing Gold Can Stay” means that unchanging things do not exist. Still, there is a resistance in taking the side of the stasis of things. For me, this resistance is “photography.
-Yosuke Takeda

※Please note that there is visible damage and discoloration on the cover due to age.

by Yosuke Takeda

REGULAR PRICE ¥2,508  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-4-905052-64-7

80 pages
215 x 262 mm