LOVE’S LABOUR by Sergio Purtell

アメリカ人フォトグラファー、セルジオ・パーティル(Sergio Purtell)の作品集。1970年代後半から80年代半ばにかけ作者は毎年夏になると、ニューヨークからロンドンまでの安価な往復航空券と、ヨーロッパ中を自由に旅行できるユーレイルパスを買い、浮いたお金で好きなように欧州内を旅して回った。作者は放浪の本質を理解していた。独裁政権が始まる寸前にチリから亡命した18歳の時、写真にのめり込んだ。美術の授業を受けているうちに、どうしてもヨーロッパを見ておかなくてはならないと思うようになった。そしてついに自分の地を訪れた時、サンティアゴでの生活がよみがえってきたという。ヨーロッパの人々の独特な癖や習慣、建築物、ゆったりとした生き方、朝のカフェ、涼し気な噴水の側で過ごす午後、一日の締めくくりに地元のバーで飲む一杯のワイン。


―マーク・スタインメッツ(Mark Steinmetz)

Every summer from the late 1970s through the mid ’80s SERGIO PURTELL would buy an inexpensive roundtrip ticket from New York to London, and from there get a Eurail pass. Traveling cheaply, he could move freely around Europe. Wandering made sense to Purtell. At the age of 18 he fled an imminent dictatorship in Chile. He fell in love with photography, and his art history classes convinced him that he needed to see Europe. When he got there, he was reminded of his life in Santiago: the mannerisms, the customs, the architecture, the relaxed attitude towards life, the mornings in cafes, and afternoons lounging by the cool of a fountain, and finishing the day at the local bar with a glass of wine.

A young man sets out to find his Love. As he traverses the European continent, he learns to forget the past, live in the present, and appreciate the journey. How does one fall in love? By being present, an act that is unavoidable when making pictures in the world. In photography, love is not blind—although many things can, deceptively, go unnoticed: a small gesture, the radiance of a glance, the texture of skin, the shape of a neck, a flitting blush, downcast eyes, a modest grace. Love can be a connection to something greater than ourselves, or the thing that shows us who we are. It requires relentless dedication. The fountains merge with the river and rivers with the ocean and the waves embrace each other.” - Sergio Purtell

During languid summers around forty years ago (it’s the era of Madonna and Eric Fischl), a young Sergio Purtell crisscrossed Europe searching for scenes where marble mixes with skin. Passing through a landscape of fountains and classical piazzas (and on occasion dropping in on a café), Sergio made frames full of sensuous gestures and complex relationships. With the publication of his first book, the brilliant sun that Sergio captured in silver so long ago can be seen again. - Mark Steinmetz

by Sergio Purtell

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,480  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-1-913288-10-5

112 pages
245 × 298 mm
black and white

published by STANLEY/BARKER