パリを拠点に活動するタイ人アーティスト兼アートディレクター、PZ オパスカサティット(PZ Opassuksatit)の作品集。

インテリア・デザイン雑誌「アーキテクチュラル・ダイジェスト(Architectural Digest)」も「エル・デコ(ELLE DECOR)」も捨て、手に取るべき住宅の最終兵器「PZWORLD PROPERTIES」。

パロディ風のユーモアとアイロニーに富んだシリーズ『PZWORLD』第一弾『AMAZON』、第二弾『WEDDING』に続き刊行された本書は、「PROPERTIES(プロパティ / 不動産・財産)」をテーマに制作されている。


Throw your Architectural Digest and Elle Decoration away!
This book is the end game for housing! Whether you’re a Seller, a buyer, or a realtor (or hoping to become one)

PZWorld (1st edition “Amazon” / 2nd edition “Weddings”) It is the work of PZ Opassuksatit and her many friends; Doublet, Vaquera, Gab Bois, Laura & Deanna Fanning, Sarah Andelman, Harry Freegard, VeniceW, Claire Barrow, SOON. EASY, 54 THE GATE among them. This the closing Issue of PZWorld, and it is dedicated to the world of Properties.

No matter who (or what) you are – human or animal, flithy rich or jobless poor – we offer all kinds of (the best) properties to fit all your needs; Finding land, investing, scheming, packing, moving, pest control, painting walls, replacing floors, and demolition! Looking for changes in you life? This is the book for you!

by PZ Opassuksatit

REGULAR PRICE ¥7,150  (tax incl.)

120 pages
210 x 295 mm
edition of 500 copies

published by SELF PUBLISHING