アメリカ人アーティスト、ロバート・アーウィン(Robert Irwin)の作品集。2016年に現代美術館「チナティ・ファンデーション(Chinati Foundation)」の常設インスタレーションとして制作された「untitled (dawn to dusk)」の完成に伴い刊行された。これまでで最大規模となる本作品は、屋内と屋外、芸術と建築、過去と現在、自然と人工を融合させ、作者が数十年にわたって取り組んできた空間と光を操作して知覚する行為の集大成ともいえる。本書は1年間にわたるインスタレーション・プロジェクトの様子と、季節や時間帯の変化が作品を鑑賞する体験に与える影響を写した記録、エッセイ、ドローイング、図面を収録。それを通じて、作者の作品を見せ、かつ文脈化している。空間と光を作品で体験させる「オーケストレーター」としての優れたキャリアの中でも最高作品として、その制作の歴史を広く紹介する一冊。

The Chinati Foundation is pleased to offer a new book documenting Robert Irwin’s untitled (dawn to dusk), which was inaugurated as part of the permanent collection in July 2016. The book presents and contextualizes Irwin’s artwork through a photographic record of the installation over the course of one year, critical essays, as well as drawings, plans, and illustrations. It provides a comprehensive history of the project, describing Irwin’s friendship with Donald Judd and Judd’s support of his work, Chinati’s invitation to the artist in 1999 to consider a large-scale work for the museum, and the evolution of Irwin’s concept as he visited the site and developed the design for the project over a period of many years.

Photographs by Alex Marks document the Irwin project as well as the effects changing seasons and times of day have on the experience of the work. The volume includes essays on Irwin and his work by Adrian Kohn, Matthew Simms, and Marianne Stockebrand, and an introduction by Chinati director Jenny Moore. The book design is by Joseph Logan and the volume has been edited by Rob Weiner.

Robert Irwin: untitled (dawn to dusk) provides an expansive survey of Irwin’s permanent installation for the Chinati Foundation, which stands as a capstone to his distinguished career as an orchestrator of experiences of space and light.

by Robert Irwin

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,680  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781942884422

252 pages
241 x 267 mm
color, black and white