A WAY OF LIVING by Herman Miller

1923年にアメリカのミシガン州で創設された、モダンデザインを代表する世界的家具メーカー「ハーマンミラー(Herman Miller)」の作品集。革新的な家具を生み出してきた同社が、20世紀初頭に設立されてから今日に至るまで築いてきた実り豊かな歴史を包括的に綴る一冊。2019年初版刊行、その後も2020年、2021年に再版し、本書は2023年版となる。


本書では、「ハーマンミラー」の家具デザインの変遷を、新たな資料とアーカイブ写真をあわせて世紀を跨いで紹介する。レイ&チャールズ・イームズ(Charles & Ray Eames)、ジョージ・ネルソン(George Nelson)、アレクサンダー・ジラード(Alexander Girard)をはじめとした伝説的なデザイナー陣とのストーリーや創作にフィーチャーしながら何千点もの図版で紹介する本書は、かつてないほど同社の物語を深く伝え、社にとっての決定的瞬間や主要な存在であったリーダーたちを記録し、世界中のデザイン愛好家の本棚に欠かせない一冊に仕上げられている。

There have been many books about Herman Miller, its ethos, designers, and furniture, but none as comprehensive as this.’ – Interior Design

The acclaimed chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today.

For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Herman Miller is known as much for its pioneering designs and international influence as for its emphasis on environment and community service.

In this far reaching survey, new and archival photography illustrates the evolution of Herman Miller's furniture designs over the course of the century. Featuring the stories and creations of legendary designers including Ray and Charles Eames, George Nelson, and Alexander Girard, and through its thousands of illustrations, this book tells the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders, and making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable volume for the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe.

by Herman Miller

REGULAR PRICE ¥24,200  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781838666910

614 pages
214 x 290 mm
color, black and white
2023 (2019)

published by PHAIDON