イタリア人アーティストでありデザイン界の巨匠、エンツォ・マーリ(Enzo Mari)の作品集。ハンス・ウルリッヒ・オブリスト(Hans Ulrich Obrist)によってキュレーションされた回顧展(ミラノ・トリエンナーレ / 2020年10月17日 – 2021年4月18日)に伴い刊行された。本書はキュレーターのオブリストとの長年の対話を主軸に構成され、イタリアのデザイン界を先導してきた巨匠あり理論家でもあるマーリの作品と思想を称賛する一冊である。
This volume, which accompanies the great retrospective exhibition devoted to Enzo Mari and curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist (Milan Triennial, 17 October 2020 – 18 April 2021), celebrates the work and thought of Enzo Mari, one of the leading masters and theorists of Italian design. These are chiefly reconstructed through the constant dialogue he engaged in, over the years, with the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Plans, sketches, unpublished archive material, essays and interviews illustrate over 60 years of work, tracing for the first time a systematic and exhaustive itinerary – articulated into 19 “research platforms” – that conveys Mari’s sensitivity as a designer, artist, critic and theoretician, along with the striking relevance of his thought.
According to Mari, design can only be regarded as such if it also transmits knowledge. His projects, which have withstood the test of time, have been conceived in such a way as to be sustainable – from a material as much as aesthetic perspective – and accessible to all.
As Hans Ulrich Obrist recalls, “For Enzo everything revolves around the object, and good design alone is destined to triumph”.
Alongside an in-depth monographic study and a complete list of works, the catalogue features numerous interviews and evocative contributions from internationally acclaimed designers and artists, whom the curator has invited to pay tribute to the oeuvre and figure of Enzo Mari through their works.