DISCORDIA by Moises Saman

国際的写真家集団「マグナム・フォト」正会員であり、ペルー生まれのフォトグラファー、モイセス・サマン(Moises Saman)の作品集。大規模反政府デモ「アラブの春」が起きていた期間を含む2011年から2014年の間にフォトジャーナリストとして中東のチュニジア、エジプト、リビア、イラク、レバノン、シリアに滞在。4年もの期間を費やして自身の「記憶」を撮影したものを収録した、回顧録的ドキュメンタリー作品集。タイトルの「DISCORDIA」はローマ神話における不和と争いの女神の名称。

「この作品は、『The New York Times』『The New Yorker』『TIME』等の媒体用にフォトジャーナリストとして中東の国々を巡っていた時に撮影されたものである。数年に渡って数多の革命が各所で起きており、私の中でのあるぼんやりとした記憶が一つのストーリーとなった。その経験を伝えるためには、直接的なジャーナリストらしい表現に変換するよりも、群衆の中の一つ一つの声、感情、そして明日何が起こるかわからない不確かな状況が続く生活を一つにまとめて新しいストーリーを作るべきだと思ったのだ。」- モイセス・サマン



本書は、報道写真やドキュメンタリー写真のプリントを所蔵するプライベート・コレクション機関「INCITE PROJECT」、「ソロモン・R・グッゲンハイム財団」、「ユージン・スミス・メモリアル基金」、「マグナム・コレクターズ・サークル」の多大なサポートにより実現したプロジェクトであり、2016年には自費出版写真集を対象とした写真集アワード「Anamorphosis Prize」を受賞している。

Discordia, by Magnum photographer Moises Saman, represents a personal memory of the nearly four years he spent living and working as a photojournalist in the Middle East during the Arab Spring from 2011 to 2014.

These photographs were taken while I was working as a photojournalist in multiple countries in the region for publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, and TIME magazine. Over these years, the many revolutions overlapped and in my mind became one blur, one story in itself. In order to tell this story the way I experienced it, I felt the need to transcend a linear journalistic language, and instead create a new narrative that combined the multitude of voices, emotions, and the lasting uncertainty I felt.

In Discordia, Saman presents the unfolding of long and complex photographic sequences, absent of captions, an unexpected and less straightforward journalistic representation of the Arab Spring. The book includes a series of photo collages, created by the Dutch-Iranian artist Daria Birang from Saman's photographs, grainy cut-outs exploring the repetition of human gestures and theatrics that Saman saw time after time during the events. Discordia utilises various artistic approaches to photographic material; double-page spreads, isolated images, provocative two-image comparisons, juxtapositions and the collages. Presented as such, the book builds a visual representation of Saman's up-close experience with the events taking place around him. The photographs are often ambiguous, depicting fleeting moments on the periphery of the more dramatic events that Saman photographed for editorial publications. Discordia instead presents people gathered in conference, protests on the street, objects, and the continuation of day-to-day life amidst violence and uncertainty. The result is a personal comment on the complex nature of this period, and the ever-blurring line between victim and perpetrator. The book closes with a series of short essays written by the photographer, vignette-like descriptions of transient characters, encounters, and situations he experienced during the years he spent living and working in the Middle East.

‘Discordia shows the hopes, idealism and strength of rebellion against long-established dictatorial regimes, and also—with great clarity—the price paid for it.’ -Julian Stallabras

The work in Discordia was in part made possible with the generous support of The Incite Project (a UK-based private collection of issue-driven photographic prints), the Guggenheim Foundation, the W. Eugene Smith Foundation, and Magnum's Collectors Circle.

by Moises Saman

REGULAR PRICE ¥15,400  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-0-692-61823-3

200 pages
240 x 320 mm

winner of the Anamorphosis Prize 2016

published by SELF PUBLISHING