アメリカ人フォトグラファー、教育者、ミミ・プラム(Mimi Plumb)の作品集。アメリカの出版社「NAZRAELI PRESS」が手がけるプリント付き作品集シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』の第42巻。

全100タイトルをもって完結した『ONE PICTURE BOOK』のアップグレード版である本シリーズ『ONE PICTURE BOOK TWO』は、装丁、サイズともにリニューアル。各タイトル500部限定発行、約127x178mm(約5x7インチ)のサイン入りプリントが付属し、前作と同様100タイトルで完結予定。

Lookout on Highway 74 is a collection of 12 photographs taken by American photographer Mimi Plumb in the 1980s. She often visited the lookout during the holidays while visiting her in-laws in Palm Desert, obsessed with photographing a tiny sliver of road in the vast San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains below. Her interests expanded to include the people, young and old, visiting the site, seemingly mesmerized as she was by the stark beauty of the landscape.

Mimi Plumb is part of a long tradition of socially engaged photographers concerned with California and the West. She received a 2022 Guggenheim Fellowship in support of her current project, Reservoir.

In addition to her Guggenheim fellowship, Plumb is the recipient of the John Gutmann Photography Fellowship (2017), California Humanities Grant (2015), California Arts Council Individual Artist Grant (1989), James D. Phelan Art Award in Photography (1986), and the Marin Arts Council Grant (1999).

Her photographs are in the collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Art Collection Deutsche Börse in Germany, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Pier 24, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Yale University Art Gallery. Plumb received her MFA in Photography from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1986, and her BFA in Photography from SFAI in 1976. She has served on the faculties of SFAI, San Jose State University, Stanford University, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She currently lives in Berkeley, California.

One Picture Book Two: an upgraded, upscaled follow-up to NAZRAELI PRESS' much-loved One Picture Book series of artists’ books. Each title is limited to 500 numbered copies, and includes a removable, signed, original print measuring approximately 5x7 inches. The books are slightly larger than those in the original series, with a fresh design and upgraded materials. 

by Mimi Plumb

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,000  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781590055762

including a print signed by Mimi Plumb
print: 127 x 178 mm

16 pages
152 x 216 mm
black and white
limited edition of 500 copies


published by NAZRAELI PRESS