BREUER HOUSES by Marcel Breuer

ハンガリー人建築家、デザイナー、マルセル・ブロイヤー(Marcel Breuer)の作品集。1923年から1973年にかけて制作された住宅建築を紹介した1冊。バウハウスの創設者であるヴァルター・グロピウス(Walter Gropius)の教え子として名を上げた作者は、同校の家具工房の主任教官に就任した。1937年の米国亡命後、ハーバード大学で教鞭を執った作者は、数世代にわたって建築家・デザイナーに影響を与えた。自身の設計事務所の代表作として、旧ホイットニー美術館やパリのユネスコ本部、そして世界で初めてスチールパイプを用いた椅子でインテリア業界において革命をもたらした象徴的な『ワシリーチェア』などを手がけ、多様かつ力強いデザインで知られるようになった。小規模なものから大規模なコミッションを同時にこなす多くの建築家と同様に、作者は住宅建築をあらゆるデザインのアイデアの実験台として用いた。作者の住宅建築は、その質と量に驚かされるだけでなく、一連の作品を辿ってみると、作者の空間的な卓越性と専門性の発展を伺うことができる。


The Hungarian-born architect Marcel Breuer (1902-81) rose to prominence as a student under Walter Gropius at the Bauhaus and became head of the furniture workshop. He emigrated to the United States in 1937, where he taught at Harvard University, influencing a whole generation of practitioners. As the head of his own firm, Breuer became known for designs as diverse and powerful as the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and the iconic 'Wassily' chair - the first ever chair to use tubular steel, which revolutionized the furniture industry.

Breuer, like many architects who work simultaneously on small- and large-scale commissions, used residential architecture as a laboratory for all of his design ideas. Not only is the quality and quantity of Breuer's residential output impressive, but when it is seen in sequence one can perceive a development of his spatial mastery and expertise. Because of their interplay of spaces and daring juxtaposition of materials, Breuer's houses have had a profound influence on residential architecture around the world and on many generations of young designers.

This monograph is a comprehensive study of Breuer's house designs from 1923 to 1973. Richly illustrated with drawings, plans and archival photography, the book provides a penetrative insight into the working methods of a key twentieth-century architectural figure.

by Marcel Breuer

REGULAR PRICE ¥19,800  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9780714838939

272 pages
217 x 217 mm
black and white

published by PHAIDON

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