ベルリンを拠点として活動するイギリス人アーティスト、タシタ・ディーン(Tacita Dean)の作品集。フランチェスコ会の創設者 ”アッシジのフランチェスコ” は、聖人を人間らしくした聖人で、ごく普通の身体と普通の欲望を持つ1人の人間であった。
「Buon Fresco」(2014) の中で作者は、作家自身と同じ視点で絵画を見るために、マクロレンズを使用してアッシジにあるバシリカ式教会堂に描かれた、ジョットのフレスコ画のディテールを映した。聖フランチェスコが聖人を人間らしくすることと並行して、ジョットは絵画の中で人々を人間らしく描き、そしてそのことはアートの歴史上非常に重要な出来事となった。フレスコ画は遠くから鑑賞できるものであるため、本書は細部の啓示的な視点とジョットのブラシストロークの精巧さを見ることができ、当時の西洋画の規範を予測し得るものでもある。
St Francis of Assisi was the saint who humanised sainthood. He was a man with an ordinary body and ordinary desires. As Tacita Dean writes, 'He rolled naked in the snow to quell his urges and trod the land on paths and roads that are still wending their way through the hills and forests of Umbria today…. His concerns are contemporary: his love of the earth is ecology, his care for its creatures, animal welfare, and his understanding of his fellow humanity is modern-day social science. He is the saint whom mankind can realistically aspire to emulate, because his humanness, his humanity lies just within our mortal reach.' In her work, Buon Fresco, 2014, Dean filmed details of Giotto's frescos in the Upper Basilica in Assisi using a macro lens, in order, she said, to have the perspective of the artist himself. Giotto humanised the depiction of people in painting in a parallel way to St Francis's humanising of sainthood, and this moment, when the radical artist depicted the radical saint is an extremely important juncture in the history of art. Frescoes are meant to be seen from a distance, so this book provides a revelatory view of the minutiae and sophistication of Giotto's brushstrokes, which at times anticipates the future canon of mark marking in Western painting.