YIELD by Jan Lehner

ドイツ人フォトグラファー、ヤン・レーナー(Jan Lehner)の作品集。作者にとって初の写真集である本書は、日々撮影されてきた写真で構成されおり、特段はっきりとした目的や最終的なフォーマットを念頭に置くことなく撮影されたものも多い。しかしながら、その根底にあるものは共通している。ここ5-6年の間は、作者にとって大きな個人的変化と挑戦の期間であった。明確であり普遍的なものとしては、世を席巻したパンデミック(世界的大流行)、より身近なものとしては子供の誕生、両親の病気と別れ、個人的な苦難とそこからの復活であろう。



ドイツ人作家であり詩人のテレサ・パチェカ(Theresa Patzschke)による詩を、オリジナルのドイツ語と英訳版で収録。

Jan Lehner’s (b. 1983, German) first book Yield consists of pictures that were taken on a day to day basis; often in passing and without a defined purpose or final format in mind. And yet, they all share a common underlying thread. The five or six years they span marked a period of great personal changes and challenges for Lehner—the obvious and universal one: a pandemic sweeping the planet, stopping everything in its tracks; others of a much more intimate nature, such as the birth of a child, the illness and loss of a parent, and personal hardships and their recovery.

While none of this is spelled out explicitly in Yield, grief, love, fear, hope, despair, and their related nuances all find their echoes layered in images that often represent small moments of respite during a measure of turbulence.

It is in this backdrop that the book takes its title with its dual meaning: that to surrender in the face of overwhelming challenges often allows one to emerge holding, and knowing, something new.

The book contains a poem, in German, written by writer and poet Theresa Patzschke (b. 1987, German), with an English translation.

by Jan Lehner

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,900  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9789188113702

60 pages
215 x 250 mm
limited edition of 500 copies

published by LIBRARYMAN