ブルックリンに生まれカリフォルニアで育ったアメリカ人フォトグラファー、ラリー・サルタン(Larry Sultan)の作品集。1992年に初版が発表された同作の復刻版。

「私にこの作品を撮り続けさせる行為を一体なんと呼べばいいのだろう?社会学よりも愛に、ドラマを見る側よりもその登場人物となることに近いのは確かである。制作という様々なものが入り乱れる奇妙なプロセスの中では、あらゆるものが変化していく。境界線はあいまいになり、距離感は消え、慣れへの自惚れや幻想が揺らぐ。苦悩に苛まれ、呆然と真夜中に目を覚ますこともある。これが私の両親だ。このシンプルな事実から全てが始まる。」 – Larry Sultan

1992年に出版された初版が賞賛を浴びた「Pictures From Home」は、作者から両親への贈り物である。作者は1980年代を通じて定期的に南カリフォルニアの実家に戻り、その中で撮影した写真作品に、家族ビデオからのスチル写真、会話の切れ端、作家自身によるテキスト、思い出の品々や出来事を組み合わせることで十年の歳月を記録。ドキュメンタリーとステージド・フォトグラフィー(演出された写真)の境界線が徐々にぼやけていくような物語のコラージュを創り上げた。撮影者と被写体との間には一定の距離感があるものだが、それもこの作品を特別なものにしている対話や感情のやりとりの中で消えていく。


− マーティン・パー & ジェリー・バッジャー

− アレック・ソス

オリジナル版「PICTURES FROM HOME」は、革新的な作品だった。そして、この新装版はよりいっそう強烈で、夢中にさせられる経験を得れるだろう。
− スティーブン・ショア

− シャーロット・コットン


"What drives me to continue this work is difficult to name. It has more to do with love than with sociology. With being a subject in the drama rather than a witness. And in the odd and jumbled process of working, everything shifts: the boundaries blur, my distance slips, the arrogance and illusion of immunity falters. I wake up in the middle of the night, stunned and anguished. These are my parents. From that simple fact, everything follows."– Larry Sultan

First published in 1992 to wide critical acclaim, Pictures From Home is Larry Sultan’s pendant to his parents. Sultan returned home to Southern California periodically in the 1980s and the decade-long sequence moves between registers, combining contemporary photographs with film stills from home movies, fragments of conversation, Sultan’s own writings and other memorabilia. The result is a narrative collage in which the boundary between the documentary and the staged becomes increasingly ambiguous. Simultaneously the distance usually maintained between the photographer and his subjects also slips in an exchange of dialogue and emotion that is unique to this work.

"This is one of the most significant American photobooks of the 1990s" Parr + Badger Vol. II

"In the wake of his passing I reread Pictures From Home.Unbelievable. Has there ever been a photographer who writes better than Sultan? I’m certain that nobody has done a better job combining text and pictures. In this regard, Pictures From Home is the absolute zenith. Plainspoken, smart and brutally honest, it is a masterpiece of narrative photography.” – Alec Soth

"one of the most moving and indelible family portraits I’ve ever read" - Dave Eggers

"What is Pictures from Home? A memoir, a scrapbook, a cry of pain, and an album of bitterly affectionate photographs. Larry Sultan’s images and words were his reconciliation with the oedipal mess of the American Dream." – David Campany

"One of the most incredible things about Pictures from Home is how vulnerable Sultan allows himself to be in the text, in which he confronts insecurities about himself and his work, brilliantly deconstructing the project and the challenges of making it. The book’s narrative is profound and deeply moving, while the book’s form breaks with precedent and defies the constraints of any specific genre." – Gregory Halpern

"The original edition of Pictures from Home was a groundbreaking work of art. This new edition is an even more intense, more immersive experience." – Stephen Shore

"In Pictures from Home, Larry Sultan created a brilliant and unprecedented dynamic between his photographs, words, and editing from his parents’ archive of cinefilm footage and family snaps. All of the elements vie for legitimacy and declare their fictions in his reanimation of memories, tightly bound to the forensic scrutiny and adult accountability that he brought to bear on this most personal story of 'home'." – Charlotte Cotton

by Larry Sultan

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,550  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 978-1-910164-78-5

196 pages
230 x 270 mm
color, black and white

published by MACK