WHAT I SAW by Joseph E. Yoakum
ネイティブアメリカンアーティスト、ジョセフ・エルマー・ヨアクム(Joseph E. Yoakum)の作品集。71歳からそのキャリアをスタートさせた作者は、幼い頃に数々のサーカス団に所属しながら世界中を旅し、第一次世界大戦中は非戦闘員として連隊に所属、その後はシカゴで定住した。その際に「夢」に触発され、70代にして画家としての活動を開始、10年間で約2,000点ものドローイングを描き上げた。
2021年から2022年にかけて「ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)」では初の回顧展が開催され、ファッションブランドの〈LEMAIRE〉は作者の風景画からインスピレーションを得て2022年春夏シーズンのコレクションを制作。その発表に伴い、パリ、東京、ソウルを巡回する展覧会「INSCAPE, In the depths of Joseph Elmer Yoakum's landscapes」が行われた。
The extraordinary life of a captivating American artist, beautifully illustrated with his dreamlike drawings
Much of Joseph Elmer Yoakum’s story comes from the artist himself—and is almost too fantastic to believe. At a young age, Yoakum (1891–1972) traveled the globe with numerous circuses; he later served in a segregated noncombat regiment during World War I before settling in Chicago. There, inspired by a dream, he began his artistic career at age seventy-one, producing some two thousand drawings over a decade. How did Yoakum gain representation in major museum collections in Chicago and New York? What fueled his process, which he described as a “spiritual unfoldment”? This volume delves into the friendships Yoakum forged with the Chicago Imagists that secured his place in art history, explores the religious outlook that may have helped him cope with a racially fractured city, and examines his complicated relationship to African American and Native American identities. With hundreds of beautiful color reproductions of his dreamlike drawings, it offers the most comprehensive study of the artist’s work, illuminating his vivid and imaginative creativity and giving definition and dimension to his remarkable biography.