韓国出身、ドイツと韓国を拠点に活動するアーティスト、ヤン・ヘギュ(Haegue Yang / 양혜규)の作品集。2016年7月から9月にかけて、「ジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー国立芸術文化センター(Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou (CNAC-GP)、以下ポンピドゥー・センター)」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。過去10年間にわたり作者が構想してきた21のインスタレーション作品を紹介する一冊。様々な幾何学的抽象化と、歴史上と現在における推論的な瞬間の研究を通じ、工業的に作られた製品であるベネシャンブラインドを用いて制作を行なってきた。

21のブラインドを使ったインスタレーションの様子が作者の解説によって紹介されており、あわせて本展のキュレーターであるニコラス・リウッチ=ゴーニコフ(Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov)と評論家であり「ニューヨーク州立大学ビンガムトン校(Binghampton University)」で教鞭を執るトム・マクドノー(Tom McDonough)によるエッセイを収録する。


New monograph, documenting 21 installations conceived by Haegue Yang during the past decade.

Following the exhibition Lingering Nous at Centre Pompidou during summer 2016, this book gathers a large body of works: over the past decade, the artist has been challenging Venetian blinds as industrially manufactured products through a variety of geometric abstractions and exploration of discursive moments in history and the present.

21 significant blinds installations reproduced and introduced by artist texts and preceeded by essays by Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, curator of the exhibition, and by Tom McDonough, critic and associate professor at Binghampton University, USA.
Published following the eponymous exhibition at Centre Pompidou, Paris, from July to September 2016.

Haegue Yang (born 1971 in Seoul, lives and works in Berlin and Seoul) is one of the most influential Korean artists of her generation. Using several media, from collage to performance, she explores the sensual and formal properties of everyday objects and materials (venetian blinds, fans, infrared detection devices, etc.), taken out of their original context and rearranged into abstract compositions, investing them with a new, poetic meaning with political or emotional overtones. Her often abstract constructions are in fact sensory experiences whose crux is an implicit critique of the modern.

Haegue Yang represented South Korea at the 2009 Venice Biennale. She has also shown at Documenta (Kassel), the Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), the ICA (Boston), the Samsung Museum of Art (Seoul), the 13th Lyon Biennale...
Haegue Yang has been awarded the 2018 Wolfgang Hahn Prize. 

by Haegue Yang

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,240  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9782840668909

160 pages
210 x 270 mm