CINQUE VIAGGI (1990-98) by Guido Guidi [SIGNED]

イタリア・チェゼーナ出身のフォトグラファー、グイド・グイディ(Guido Guidi)の作品集。本書は、2021年6月から9月にイタリア・ベルガモの「Monastero di Astino」で開催されるMIA財団主催の展覧会に伴い刊行された。1990年から1998年の間にミラノとその周辺を5回訪れて撮影し、経済的・社会的な大変化を遂げた1つの都市とその周辺地域をつぶさに見つめた作品集。郊外から街の中心部まで運河に沿って歩いていく中で、作者の関心と視覚的言語は、土地に固有のものから都会的なものへ、水平的な広がりから都市の構造を垂直的に切り取った場面へ、そして建物や風景の全体像から垣間見た建物のファサードや玄関に続く道へと移り変わっていく。旅の途中には、そこに暮らす人々との出会いもある。あたかもパゾリーニの映画の一場面のように、都市の郊外の橋にたむろする若者の一団、街中で通りすがりに目にした労働者、買い物客、立ち止まって煙草を吸う人。スプロール現象が進む中で共同体とのつながりを失ったカップルや個人。『PER STRADA』(2018)や『TRA L'ALTRO』(2020)などの過去の写真集と同様に、本書からも作者が生まれ育った土地の田舎や小さな街の風景に魅了されていることが分かる。この作品で作者はイタリアの大都市に目を向け、19世紀から20世紀にかけてミラノを様変わりさせたドラマチックな社会的・経済的変化を記録した。脱工業化の最初の兆候の合間に、農村分明の名残や都市拡大の痕跡がしっかりと残っている。未発表のものが大半を占める110点の大判の作品は、人々が日常を営む空間に幾重にも積み重なっている社会的・建築的な歴史の層を見せてくれる。近年のイタリアの歩みとその将来に馳せる想いを驚くほど繊細な感性で描き出した1冊。コラード・ベニーニ、アントネッロ・フロンジア、ロベルタ・ヴァトルタによるエッセイを収録。

Between 1990 and 1998, Guido Guidi made five separate trips to Milan and its surrounding areas. Cinque viaggi brings together the photographs made there, forming an investigation of one city and its peripheries in the throes of economic and social transformation. As Guidi follows the canal from out in the suburbs toward the city centre, his attention and visual language move from the vernacular to the metropolitan, from wider horizontal views to vertical ‘cuts’ in the urban fabric, from entire buildings and scenes to glimpsed façades and doorways. Along the way, we also encounter inhabitants: a group of young men gathered in a Pasolini-like scene on a bridge in the city’s outskirts; occasional passers-by working, shopping, or stopping to smoke on the city streets; disconnected couples and disparate individuals whose loose citizenship coheres the urban sprawl.

While previous books, such as Per Strada (2018) and Tra l'altro (2020), demonstrated Guidi’s fascination with the rural and small-town landscapes of his native region, Cinque viaggi turns to metropolitan Italy, documenting the dramatic socio-economic changes that have transformed it over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Remnants of rural civilisation and traces of urban expansion are embedded among the first signs of de-industrialisation. These 110 large-format works, many of which have never been seen before, reveal the layers of social and architectural history among which everyday life unfolds. Cinque viaggi offers an arrestingly subtle picture of Italy's recent past and rumination on its future.

With essays by Corrado Benigni, Antonello Frongia, and Roberta Valtorta.

Accompanies an exhibition presented by Fondazione MIA at the Monastero di Astino, Bergamo, Italy from 11 June – 30 September 2021.

"The city seen by Guidi ... is a universe that is realistic, unresolved, and suspended all at once, an interior landscape made up of presences, absences, silences, and seductions ... Guidi has opened the doors onto renewed dimensions of photography with an enormous influence on the new generation." – Esquire Italia

"Even the most central streets appear peripheral: as far away from monuments as they are from headlines. It is here that that which we are are looking for hides." – Il Foglio

by Guido Guidi

REGULAR PRICE ¥11,550  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9781913620325

152 pages
300 x 300 mm
color, black and white


published by MACK