GENAZZI. OGGETTI IN ARGENTO, 1930-1960 by Luigi and Eros Genazzi [NUMBERED]

イタリア人アーティストのルイジ・ジェナッツィ(Luigi Genazzi)とエロス・ジェナッツィ(Eros Genazzi)の作品集。2024年5月から6月にかけてローマの「Galleria Giustini / Stagetti」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。現代美術史、近代装飾美術史を専門とする作家のヴァレリオ・テッラローリ(Valerio Terraroli)による批評的エッセイとともに、この前衛的な作品の年代的かつ様式的な定義を読み解くことができる。



彫金師、メダル意匠家として多忙な日々を送った後、ルイジは銀細工職人、彫刻家となり、1920年代半ばにはすでにロンバルディアにおいて最高峰の職人技を持つ人物として頭角を現していた。その線の優美さ、応用、装飾モチーフの精密さにおける評価は高いものであった。1929年には息子のエロスがデザイナーとして父が営む会社へと参画し、ミラノに 「Laboratorio Artistico Industriale di Cesello, Incisione e Argenteria」を設立した。ここから、建築家で工業デザイナーのジオ・ポンティ(Gio Ponti)、建築家のジョゼッペ・パガーノ(Giuseppe Pagano)、デザイナーのコッラード・コッラディ・デッラクア(Corrado Corradi dell’Acqua)、建築家のイニャツィオ・ガルデッラ(Ignazio Gardella)といった作家たちとの数々のコラボレーションを行い、その協働が二人を色付け、父と息子の強烈な相乗効果が生まれる物語が始まったのである。


On the occasion of the exhibition “Genazzi. Oggetti in Argento, 1930-1960” (May 24th – June 28th, 2024, Galleria Giustini / Stagetti), dedicated to the exquisite and experimental research conducted by the Milanese silversmiths Luigi and Eros
Genazzi, a limited edition catalogue of 300 copies (120 pp.) is published, with a critical essay by Valerio Terraroli presenting a chronological and stylistic definition of this specific avant-garde production.

Galleria Giustini / Stagetti presents the exhibition “Genazzi. Oggetti in Argento, 1930-1960”,dedicated to the research conducted by the Milanese manufacturing company of Luigi and Eros Genazzi, through a selection of works that testify to the evolution of the forms and the experimental techniques in the construction of the pieces as well as in the treatment of their surfaces.
The two silversmiths, father and son, are among the leaders of a stylistic renewal that involved an entire artisan tradition, giving life to one of the most coherent and refined episodes in the affirmation of modern taste, contributing to the construction of some of the first and most significant meeting points of the history of the Decorative Arts of the Italian 20th century and that of Industrial Design.
After an initial phase which saw him busy as an engraver and medalist, Luigi took up the profession of silversmith and chiseler, distinguishing himself in the panorama of the highest quality of Lombard craftsmanship already in the mid-1920s, known for the elegance of his rigorous lines and precision of applications and decorative motifs.In 1929 his son Eros joined the company in the role of designer and in the creation of the Genazzi family’s “Laboratorio Artistico Industriale di Cesello, Incisione e Argenteria” in Milan, whose signature will be the unmistakable leaf-shaped stamp, beginning in 1933, of a stylized clover. Here begins the story of the intense synergy between father and son, also characterized by numerous collaborations with authors such as Gio Ponti, Giuseppe Pagano, Corrado Corradi dell’Acqua, and Ignazio Gardella.
The result is an avant-garde production, which lasted until the 1960s, whose success was due to an unprecedented interpretation of traditional silver working, in which the mastery of the elegance of deco models and a refined, clear, and fundamental 20th century vocabulary converge. For the occasion of the exhibition, organized in collaboration with Galleria Luciano Colantonio in Brescia, a catalog with a critical essay by Valerio Terraroli, the result of which is achronological and stylistic definition of this specific production.

by Luigi and Eros Genazzi

REGULAR PRICE ¥16,500  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9791221061673

120 pages
212 x 282 mm
limited edition of 300 copies