PINK LEMONADE by Sayo Nagase
日本人写真家、永瀬沙世の作品集「PINK LEMONADE」は、ハワイのワイキキ、東京の郊外や都心を舞台に2年にわたって制作された作品を収録。「Asphalt & Chalk」(2011) に続く同出版社からの出版。
Sayo Nagase’s (b. 1978, Japanese) Pink Lemonade is a story that takes you on a journey across three locations: Hawaii (Waikiki), Tokyo central- and suburbia. The woman in the book, a friend of Sayo’s for 15 years, actress Yumi Shimizu, is a recurring subject in her work.
by Sayo Nagase
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