FAÇADES by Eva Berendes

ドイツ人アーティスト、エヴァ・ベレンデス(Eva Berendes)の作品集。本書は新作「Façades」シリーズを中心にまとめつつ、過去作品も収録する一冊。作者は2021年に「Bonn Art Award」を受賞、同アワード主催の「ボン市立美術館(Kunstmuseum Bonn)」で2023年2月から4月まで開催された展覧会に伴い本書は刊行され、美術館の前庭など、内外のスペースを使用して展示された。


The monographic publication focuses on Eva Berendes’s most recent body of work, “Façades”, alongside a selection of older works. As the current recipient of the Bonn Art Award, her “Façades” can be seen in an exhibition of the same name at the Kunstmuseum Bonn, where they are on display in both interior and exterior spaces. The works have been expressly created for this presentation, which responds to the architecture of the institution and the specific site of a “museum,” while also engaging in artistic reflection on an abstract mode of painting that extends into space. The artist alludes to modes of reception that are familiar from contexts related to consumption and action. The works refer to architectural elements in the transition from outside to inside and lead visitors’ bodies and gazes through doors, gates, windows, and barriers.

by Eva Berendes

REGULAR PRICE ¥6,600  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9783959057233

90 pages
230 x 320 mm

published by SPECTOR BOOKS