ヴェネツィア出身のイタリア人建築家、カルロ・スカルパ(Carlo Scarpa)の作品集。本書は、作者が1955年から1957年にかけて行った、北イタリア・ポッサーニョにある「カノーヴァ彫塑館(Museum Gipsoteca Antonio Canova)」の増築プロジェクトを紹介する一冊。

作者がヴェネツィアの「アカデミア美術館(Gallerie dell'Accademia)」で成し遂げたことは、ヴェネツィア絵画の偉大なる伝統と密接な関係があることを示した一方、このポッサーニョの彫塑館(ジプソテカ)の仕事は、本書が裏付けるように、作者が通っていた美術アカデミーの空間を飾っていた彫刻家アントニオ・カノーヴァ(Antonio Canova)の作品へのオマージュである。


※ 本商品は製本の仕様上、カバーの角付近にシワが寄っている在庫もございますのであらかじめご了承ください。

While what he accomplished at the Galleries demonstrated his close rapport with the great tradition of Venetian painting, the Gipsoteca of Possagno is a tribute to Canova, whose works adorned the spaces of the academy he had attended, as this book confirms.

In 1926 Carlo Scarpa completed his studies at the Fine Arts Academy in Venice, where the first master’s program in Architecture had been launched two years earlier. Naturally his name was not among those of the first seven architects who took the registration examination to qualify for professional practice in 1928. For this reason, about thirty years later, in 1957, while the Gipsoteca Canoviana of Possagno was being completed, Scarpa was sued for unlicensed practice. While his educational background was the cause of one of the saddest episodes of his career, the years spent at the Academy did make a constant mark on his work, which is especially perceptible in his efforts starting in 1940 to renovate the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice and the Gipsoteca in Possagno.

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by Carlo Scarpa

REGULAR PRICE ¥9,350  (tax incl.)

ISBN: 9788892822474

144 pages
300 x 240 mm
color, black and white

published by ELECTA