THE LINES OF MY HAND by Robert Frank


スイス人フォトグラファー、ロバート・フランク(Robert Frank)と元村和彦が初めて制作した写真集であり、「邑元舎」最初の刊行物。当時、アメリカで刊行された「The Americans」が酷評を受けたことで写真の世界から離れ、映画制作に没頭していたフランクを訪ね、その想いに感銘を受けたフランクが「The Americans」ぶりに制作した本書は、最初期作品を中心にそれまでの人生を振り返り、その軌跡を辿るように編年的に構成。「The Americans」制作時期の作品も多く収録され、「The Americans」には収録されなかった写真やコンタクトシートも収録。写真のセレクトや編集においても、随所に映画制作を経て培われた感性やアイデアが感じられる。本書は、フランクを再び写真の世界へとカムバックさせたきっかけとなり、その後のフランクの写真家人生を考える上でも非常に重要な1冊である。杉浦康平によるデザイン。フランクの妻であり、アーティストのジェーン・リーフによる扉絵。表紙が2種類(「New York City, 1948」と「Platte River, Tennessee」)ある。

The Lines of My Hand is a photography book by Swiss-born photographer Robert Frank made in collaboration with Kazuhiko Motomura. It is also the very first publication by YUGENSHA. When Frank published his now-landmark book, the Americans in the late fifties, it was first denounced by many critics. By the time Motomura approached Frank, he had moved away from photography to concentrate on filmmaking. Inspired by Motomura’s enthusiasm, Frank agreed to create a collection of prints which was later published as The Lines of My Hand, his first book after the Americans. It is a 25-year retrospective of his photography, following a broadly chronological path through his career. Covering his work from his early years, it offers a look at rarely-seen images and contact sheets made by Frank during the time he was shooting "The Americans" but not included in the book. It is evident in his careful editing and sequencing of photographs that Frank draws insights from filmmaking into photography. This book is particularly significant in regards to marking Frank's return to still photography after more than a decade making experimental films, as well as to setting the stage for his later photographs. One of the four landmark books designed by Kohei Sugiura and published by YUGENSHA. Cover illustration by Franks’ wife, the artist June Leaf. Available with two different cover plates (New York City, 1948 and Platte River, Tennessee).

by Robert Frank

REGULAR PRICE ¥220,000  (tax incl.)

hardcover in a slipcase
119 pages
266 x 356 mm
black and white
limited edition of 1,000 copies

published by YUGENSHA